Subchronic toxicity from Viscum cruciatum Sieber. |
Journal/Book: ANN-PHARM-FR, 1990, Vol/Iss/Pg. 48/4 (192-199), ISSN: 0003-4509.. 1990;
Abstract: The subchronic toxicity of an aqueous extract of Viscum cruciatumSieber, a parasite of Prunus amygdalus Stokes, was studied in Wistarrats. The extract at dosage-levels of 30, 120 and 480 mg/kg bodyweight/day was administered in the drinking water during 12 weeks;cheeks being carried out after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. No apparentsymptoms of toxicity were observed, except for a slight apathy andreduced mobility in the batch receiving the highest dose. A slightleukopenia and a moderate increase in glycemia, uremia and plasma GPTactivity was observed. No modifications occurred in the other constantsstudied. Histopathological analysis of the spleen, lung, kidney andliver were found to occur at the highest dosage-level, while in theother organs slight lesions of a reversible nature were observed. Acertain degree of recovery was observed in the spleen at the end of theexperiment. In all, it can be said that no manifest signs of toxicitywere found in animals receiving the intermediate and higher dosages,though these were not found to be related to sex. Taken together allthese observations indicate that the aqueous extract of Viscum cruciatumSieber has a low toxicity within the conditions of our experiment.
Keyword(s): Medical:medicinal-plant
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