Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Humoralmedizinische Methoden zur Hypertoniebehandlung

Abstract: The efficieny of humoral methods for the therapy of hypertonia remained unchanged since Hippocrates, and it is in fact useless to emphasize them permanently. However, according to Goethe the truth has cons to be repeated, because its enemies continue to propagate the untruthfulness. There is no efficient and causal hypertonia therapy without humoral therapy. Thies applies ove all to the genuine hypertension. It represents a primary hypertension. The organism which generates it needs "more pressure for the supply with oxygen and nutrients" ' There are many causes which oblige the organism to act in this way. Humoral methods are the reason for an instant increase of the peripheral circulation-thus starting an immediate organisation programme-which in turn removes the primary hypertension. However, they do not have any value without a reeducation carried out at the same time. Humoral therapy means "the theory of the functioning of supply flows in the body". They are controlled by each individual. Health thus means to gather information. As the humoral methods relieve the patient suffering from hypertension they are also able to convince those sticking stubbornly to their favourite sins. They assist therefore the naturopath in his efforts to educate these patients.

Keyword(s): Humoralmedizin

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