Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Oculomotor disturbances in patients with tension headache treated with acupuncture of physiotheray

Author(s): Rosenhall, U.

Journal/Book: Cephalalgia. 1990; 10: 123-129.

Abstract: Forty-eight female patients with chronic tension headache were randomized into two treatment groups-acupuncture and physiotherapy. The patients were examined using oculomotor tests.Intensity of the headache and tenderness of the trapezius muscles were assessed in accordance with graded scales. The mean velocity gain for smooth pursuit eye movements improved for all target velocities both in the physiotherapy group and in the acupuncture group. The latency was reduced for all three gaze angles in the physiotherapy group while no improvement occurred in the acupuncture group. There was a reduction of headache intensity in both groups while tenderness of the trapezius muscles was reduced in the physiotherapy group but unchanged in the acupuncture group. A significant correlation was found between average of the mean velocity gain and tenderness of the trapezius muscles.

Keyword(s): Acupuncture, oculomotor disturbances, physiotherapy, tension headache

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