Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Wasser -Polaritätsphänomen, Informationsträger, Lebens-Heilmittel)

Abstract: Water is physically an electromagnetic dipole with hydrogen bonds, which can explain the anomalies of water. All living beings owe these nature their evolution out of the original sea. Different dynamic structures of water are building in the ground substance, in the cell membranes, in the brain, in the DNS the condition for all biological processes between order and chaos. Water is a sensitive and reactive boundary organ between air and earth, between biological structure of human beings and the exterior world and a kybernetic, self regulating organism in the circulation of nature. Water is an information carrier and this was always used intuitively in therapies. Experimental and clinical studies show that water can store the frequences of the electromagnetic fields for a time and retransmit the information. The information-regulation-system of human being react on it in different ways. You can explain the different healing or disturbing effects. With the ionized oxygen-therapy with integrated water and aerosol-therapy (I02ITh/H2O/aerosol according to Engler) you can apply enriched activated water in form of a drinking cure, aerosol-therapy with simultaneous inhalation of partial ionized oxygen with good therapeutic effects in case of the different, clinical pictures.

Keyword(s): Wasser

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