Läßt sich eine Wirkung homöopathischer Hochpotenzen nachweisen? - Eine kontrollierte Cross-over Doppelblindstudie bei Hautkranken. |
Journal/Book: Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung. 1990; 235/4: 135-139.
Abstract: The effects of homoeopathic high potencies (sulphur CH30, CH 200 and CH1000) were examined in two double-blind studies (pilot and main study) with totally 26 patients. There were 4 defined criteria which were used to distinguish a response to the high study an effect was demonstrable for the 5% level, in the main study for the 1% level. Both studies couted together were significant for the 0,1% level. The quintessence of a literature study of hither to exstisting proofs of effects of high potencies was, that the results of these experiments are hardly to disprove. In a further look on the literature of physico-chemical experiments and explanation effords, indeed interisting facts and theories about how the high potencies work could be found but no overall plan which was totally conclusive.
Keyword(s): Doppelblindstudien, Hochpotenzen, Hautkranke, Sulfur
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