Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Evaluation of Pedagogical and Psychological Means for EncouragingHealth Behaviour

Journal/Book: Natur- und Ganzheitsmedizin Wissenschaft und Praxis. 1990; 3/9: 269-276.

Abstract: This contribution offers a survey of the aims and the necessary methodical courses of systematic evaluation studies. Here one of the central questions is, an account of which criteria can the benefits and the costs of an intervention be estimated. Today this relation is often expressed in terms of money (costreduction); however, effects which cannot be estimated in terms of money must additionally be drawn into consideration. The collective evaluation of several studies an the efficiency of interventions is called "meta-analysis". This method is widespread, but it often does not live up to methodical standards, as for example when studies using very different methodics and involving very different central issues are being compared with each other. With the examples of studies an the ;preparation of children for medical procedures, an type-A behavioural patterns and the prevention of alcohol and nicotine abuse, methodics of meta-analysis are demonstrated.

Keyword(s): Forschungsmethodik

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