Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Appetit und Hunger als Regulatoren einer ausgeglichenen Ernährung

Abstract: Nutrition plays a very central role in Ayurveda - it is used as preventative and as curative means.The most subtle product of the digestive System - after the complete metabolisation of the food - is the so-called "Ojas". This substance is found at the connectionpoint of matter and consciosness and is regarded in Maharishi Ayur-Ved as basis for the frictionless and integrated functioning of all processes in body and mind.I. General behavioural guidelines for the in take of food strengthen the infividual digestive power and optimize the assimilation of food. The patients feelings of hunger and saturation as subtle controlling signs of the body are enlivened through special dietary rules. With the help of the doctor they are experienced as being modified through inner and outer influences. Through the presented dietary rules the development of "Ama" (an ayurvedic concept - as a sum of classifications of all metabolic waste products-is held as one of the basic causes for the pathogenesis of nearly all diseases), is hindered. This results in a state of increased health. II. Selection and preparation of food in Maharishi Ayur-Ved is achieved through classification of tastes which corresponds to the individual determined of the patients constitution and his specific disease. III. Directions for preparation and selection of food items finish the dietetics of Maharishi Ayur-Ved.The three presented themes promote the homoeostatic selfregulation in the patients organism - a new bodily balance is obtained relatively quick and the patients compliance is high according to experience, because all his natural requirements in this kind of nutritional therapy are taken into account.

Keyword(s): Ernährungstherapie

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