Behandlung unkomplizierter Erkältungskrankheiten mit Kamillen-Konzentrat. Dosisabhängige Symptomlinderung durch phytotherapeutische Dampfinhalationen |
, ,Journal/Book: therapeutikon. 1990; 4: 680-691.
Abstract: In 60 outpatients (23 - 60 yrs., 4 groups) with uncomplicated common cold the effectiveness of an acute steam inhalation with increasing doses of an 35% alcoholic chamomile extract (13 ml, 26 ml, 39 ml) was investigated in comparison to the pure alcoholic solution as an inhalation ingredient. The main criterion for efficacy was the self estimation of complaints on a 100 mm visual analog scale and the derived area under the VAS-time-curve. Steam inhalation with chamomile extract in hot water reduced the complaints of common cold in a pronounced and chamomiledose-dependent manner (p< 0,01; Kruskal- Wallis-test). The onset of action was within 15 min, the maximum was reached between 15 - 45 min and then the efficacy declined in a dose dependent manner over 2 - 5 hrs., with a long plateau phase in D 3. No serious side effects were detected, but up to 40% of the patients in the highest dose group reported an initial mild self-limiting dizzines.
Keyword(s): Kamillen-Konzentrat
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