Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Cancer as the Result of Unspecific Primary-Chronic Functional Paralysis of Vegetatively Regulated Matrix

Journal/Book: Natur- und Ganzheitsmedizin Wissenschaft und Praxis. 1990; 3/2: 36-44.

Abstract: In the matrix carcinogenesis is accompanied by neurohormonal and humoral regulatory disorder occurring in three stages; it ends with the functional paralysis of the matrix, with vegetative functional inactivity as an unspecific precondition for malignant regeneration disturbance of continuous gonadal tissue (indifferent zones). With this, tumour cell vesicles transfer the matrix into a tumour-matrix.Analogous to the early-embryonic phase, the tumour-matrix contains more mitogenically working and differentiation-inhibiting hyaluronic acid. The metabolism of cancer-cells is chronically stimulated and unspecific like that of embryonal cells. The electrophysiology of the cancer cell, too, is similar to that of the embryonal cell. The paralysis of the matrix appears as a consequence of stress-accumulation (stimulation addition); carcinogenetic mutations are restricted to gametogenesis (obligatory hereditary precanceroses).

Keyword(s): Grundsubstanz

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