Magnesium in the Therapy of Coronary Heart Disease |
Journal/Book: Natur- und Ganzheitsmedizin Wissenschaft und Praxis. 1990; 3/10: 320-325.
Abstract: An essential component in the development of coronary heart disease can be found not only in arteriosclerotic changes of the vessel walls of the coronary arteries, but also in the spasms of these vessels.If an electrophysiological precondition is created which suppresses such coronary spasms the number of ischaemic events will be reduced. A deficit of magnesium ions leads to a higher pre-stress or to a higher rest tonus of the vascular muscle cells,Besides that, the vascular muscle cells become more susceptible to passing spasms. Adjusting a magnesium deficiency can therefore be considered a natural calcium-antagonism which leads to a relaxation of the vascular muscles or respectively to a reduction of the vascular muscles' susceptibility to spasms. An oversupply of magnesium ions also assures cellular transport of potassium ions back into the cells.The principle of a magnesium therapy with increased vascular muscle tonus must therefore be seen as a calcium-antagonism and a potassium-agonism.
Keyword(s): Magnesium
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