Actas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines. 1989 Jan-Feb; 17(1): 3-14.
[Disease and the physician. Transculturation in the discovery of the New World]
This work is referring to the curative acts by the word, that start to happened in the cultural shock while the discover of America that in a lot of ways remain in force today. These curative events are studying in two streams; one which own to the cure mechanism, and in expounding mentioned and trying to define it by scientific ways, all this processes, which can be considerate like an unusual therapeutic and transcultural as the world; the other stream would be the curative mechanism, that stabilize in the different personalities of the different kinds of "doctors", that try to study too during all the transcultural diffusion that since "the discovery" have got the figure of the doctor by the word, like a true guackdoctor. With this work we try to discover although the historic realities which establish this "magic" healing beginning, like his actual reality; studied by itself and across the people who do it.
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