Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Oficina de expressao e composicao musical para pacientes psicoticos no ambito de hospital-dia. (Workshops of Musical Expression and Composition for psychotic patients in a day hospital.)

Journal/Book: Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria. 1989; 38: 331-335.

Abstract: Discusses the use of a program, "Workshops of Musical Expression and Composition," which is used at a Brazilian psychiatric hospital as part of the treatment for psychotic patients. The main aim of the musical workshops is to help psychotic patients recover abstract thinking ability and improve problem-solving ability and the capacity to see both general and particular characteristics of situations. The results of a preliminary study on the efficacy of the treatment in 18 male and female Brazilian adults (aged 18-45 yrs) are discussed. (English abstract) Studied the role of music therapy in the development of pianist-child interactions. Human subjects: Two female Japanese preschool children (Down's syndrome). Ss' behaviors, responses, interests, and interactions were studied during music therapy with drums. Ss were followed from ages 2 yrs to 4 yrs. (English abstract)

Note: musical expression & composition workshop program; 18 45 yr old psychotic patients at psychiatric day hospital; Brazil; music therapy with drums; children with Down's syndrome followed from ages 2 4 yrs

Keyword(s): Psychosis ; music therapy; partial hospitalization; psychiatric hospital programs; music ; adulthood;. downs syndrome; childhood ; preschool age children

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