Selective killing of human monocytes by an immunotoxin containing partially denatured mistletoe lectin 1. |
Journal/Book: Int-J-Immunopharm 11 (8), 977-980. 1989;
Abstract: The in vitro activity of an immunotoxin (IT) prepared by conjugating themonocyte specific RoMo-1 monoclonal antibody and partially inactivatedMistletoe lectin 1 (dMLI) containing inactivated B chain has beeninitially characterized. It is shown that while not affecting othermononuclear cells viability, this IT is capable of selectivelydestroying human monocytes after 24 h exposure thus resulting in theabrogation of monocyte support for PHA reactivity in mononuclear cellpreparations. Therefore it seems to be possible to use this non-sugarbinding holotoxin for immunotoxin preparation.
Keyword(s): Medical:monocyte
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