Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Das Wunder in der Erfahrungsheilkunde'

Journal/Book: Erfahrungsheilkunde. 1989; 38/9: 575-581.

Abstract: In an earlier work (1957), a drug test carried out mentally was said to be a miracle because of the prompt reaction to the homoeopathic drugs discovered.According to the guidelines of the medical Observation Office in Lourdes, this definition Is not admissible.Continuing the earlier work, it is now examined if a newly developped remote reaction test carried out with the divining rod can be characterized as being a miraculous way of diagnosis and therapeutics. Some supporters of this method pretend that the modern medicine could be revolutionized by this test method,After having introduced the principles of this test in comparison with the pendulum test it is then analysed to what extent the behaviour corresponds to a so-called scientific psychophysics. The physical part of the method can be explained scientifically by means of the physics of electromagnetic waves in the free space,The reception. the processing and above all the evaluation of the rays are more difficult to understand, for the human receptor is lacking an adequate sense organ. The autonomic nervous system has to serve as a substitute sensor. Taking the hand as an antenna, a nerve Stimulation is sent frotn thereto the brain where it is transformed and converted into a pendular and rod movement by the gammamotor system.The drug useful to the diseased organ can be found by a movement of the divining rod, if the patient grasps the correct drug. Tests carried out via long distances or by means of pictyres, clothes etc. require medial abilitis of the tester. According to Bewler, parapsychic phenomena such as telepathy are indeed inexplicable, but they have to be considered as natural phenomena and not as miracles.In order to guarantee a successful test and drug finding by means of the rod movement test psychic and physical disturbances have to be avoided. Intuitive abilities of the therapeutist as well as a faithful expectation attitude of the patient are necessary.In our era of technology one believes that the test can be done easier and more independent of psychic factors by means of electroacupuncture. However, a comparison of the methods shows that a successful real isation of such a drug test also requires Intuition and expectation attitude. Above alle, a changing skin humidity at the measuring points can cause measuring errors.The conclusion of our investigation is that a miracle in therapeutics cannot be found through aso-called intuitionmethod such as the rod movement test, hut at best through the faith of some patients in the method of treatment. f'he miracle in the proper sense is the healing process itself.

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