Sauerstoff-Mehrschritt-Therapie nach Manfred von Ardenne - Katalysator der herkömmlichen MedizinDarf der Arzt sie dem Patienten länger vorenthalten? |
Abstract: Professor von Ardenne's Oxygen Multistep Therapy (OMT) is a successful measurable therapy which can be used to treat a wide variety of illnesses. Despite previous research findings it has not yet been possible to ensure that this treatment will be accepted by the German Healths Insurance Schemes. The question is, to find a basis an which the Health Schemes can make a decision for specific patients and whether the doctor can justifiy not offering this, still not generally acknowledged, therapy to his patients.The author concludes that the use of OMT should be encouraged, especially in the treatment of cancer patients and those with circulatory problems.It is therefore suggested that future research should confirm as well as widen the scope of previous findings. This would ensure that this therapy will be universally accepted and used an a much broader basis.
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