Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

Interessante Kasuistik aus einem Mayr-Sanatorium mit einem besonders schwierigen Fall

Abstract: Diseases of the intestines - often chronic and unrecognized - can be responsible for the thorough decay of health in the last decades.Remarkable results of the modern medicine with hygienics, pharmacology, surgery etc. couldn't really improve the health of people. On the contrary the heart infarcts have increased very much. In the same way rnalignant diseases, particularly of the digestive tract.The epidemic AIDS impairs the immunity as the most important base of our health. A flood of chronical diseases (rheumatisme, allergies, maladies of skin etc.) undermines the vital energy of innumerable people.The modern medicine begins to act, when the disease is manifest, while the large space of time in advance is almost unrecognized and untreated. The diagnostic possibilities by F. X. Mayr give here undreamt-of perspectives and chances of an early understanding of trends to certain diseases and herewith new possibilities of therapy.The impressing efficiency of this therapy by F. X. Mayr is here explained exemplary with a serious juvenil chronical polyarthritis.

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