Guided Imagery and Music in the Institutional setting |
Abstract: Contents: I. Imagery II. The Use of Music to Stimulate Imagery III. The History of GIM IV: GIM: Prelude V. GIM: Relaxation and Induction VI. GIM: Music/Imagery Synergy, Postlude and Guiding VII. GIM with the individual VIII. Levels of Imagery IX. GIM-Related Activities X. The Use of GIM with Various Populations XI. Conclusion
Note: "GIM IN THE INSTITUTIONAL SETTING" - Lisa Summer. Summary and notes by Ellen Thomasen: Foreword - by Helen Bonny - introducing us to face the dilemma of the profession. Demands for an exact science versus the firm belief that music as medium provides healing processes "irrespective of a scientifically based procedure." The action of the medium - linear or line effect(frequency of speaking voice) versus many-leveled, complex and holistic effect(musical range). The ideology of musicians/non-musicians and goals and expectations are mentioned. The phenomenon - Imagery - is looked upon through Arieti´s definition related to Sheehan (the 5 senses, kinaesthetic and organic modes),Sarbin(changing the passive acceptance into a dynamic tool for psychological problem solving, focusing the possibility to bridge the internal thoughts and feelings to external reality). Horowitz - 4 categories: vividness, content, context and interaction. The use of music to stimulate imagery. * "we should not confuse the concept of popularity with significance" * "new age" - music, unabashed repetitiousness, lack of dissonance" * "client preferred" music is not as effective ... as other prescribed types" (ref. Rider - pain reduction) * "Classical music...more useful...providing an emotional frame of reference...can be used again and again without getting ´stale´"(Bonny: A Legal High) The history of GIM. Bonny´s work - allowing clients to draw their own conclusions, dyads as facilitator - seen in comparison to Leuner´s techniques - directive guiding. 1972 - Bonny founded ICM. Relaxation and induction. "The goal of relaxation is not to confront tensions; relaxation is not the goal of the session." "Relaxation lessens domination of left hemisphere. Induction stimulates right hemisphere." Ex. Issue: "acceptance". Induction: image ("island") and goal ("to find something"). Music/ Imagery synergy - at the corepoint of the method! "The marriage of the music and the psyche". "Music therapists need be aware, unlike any other therapy, ours has the closest link to the subconscious. Great art is always attempting to reach the subconscious, but before it can reach it, it must perforce define an object or situation" ..... novel, poem, visual art, dance as parallels, informing us about processes or conditions in our concrete world. "Because pure music has no verbal referents it can hurdle the left hemisphere, finding itself in the right, speaking to us in the language of emotions." Important differences regarding to individual/ group sessions..... Postlude - the importans of a guide in groups. Guiding process here takes place during the postlude. The clients return to normal verbal mode by easing them back to "the real world" - by reversal of relax./ induc. techniques. ....."The group itself acts as therapists for the individual members." Guiding - 4 responsibilities: 1.description, 2. involvement in imagery, 3. reflection by supporting the clients experience, 4. focus on the music, allowing the music to direct. "In guiding it is necessary to create a healing environment through a special quality called "presence". GIM with the individual, practiced with institutionalized psychiatric clients. "A wealth of unconscious material (p.19) ...requires of the therapist an immense effort to help ground it". "The inability to reconcile internal and external reality is usually the very reason that the client is in hospital". Examples: Casey - Recurrent major depression. Could not analogize."Those who are depressed can have fantastic imagery....but are not, therefore, excellent candidates for imagery therapy... they don´t have ego-strength to ground or apply imagery to their current life."(p.20) Nancy - Neurotic depression. Could analogize, but not follow through with positive growth. Needed supportive therapy, because of obsessively perseveration in the construction of well crafted imagery, that defined her dilemma (splitting). "GIM may have no direct positive influence upon hospitalized clients immediate behaviour, but may serve as a key for further therapeutic treatment."(p.22) Gary - ...not directly benefit from GIM, but "the imagery allowed him to disharge some of his aggression in fantasy, and then, in the postlude to identify the reality behind his anger and the need to learn how to mobilize his anger in an appropiate manner." "GIM can be counterproductive to the desires of the music therapist in certain situations." Levels of Imagery. 1. The abstract-aesthetic experience (insights and new experiences are stimulated) 2. Psychodynamic (defences are elucidated and worked through) 3. Penultimate - perinatal (physical tensions are explored and relieved) 4. Transpersonal level (unite the mind and body, transcending boundaries). GIM-related activities. "Trio", "Short story" and "Movement". Music and Imagery for relaxation. A concrete going into details about the issue of chapter 2. "GIM is not relaxation and music which is designed to create solely a state of relaxation is not of use in GIM."(p.4) GIM - and various populations.
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