Dreams, Mandalas, and Music Imagery: Therapeutic uses in a case study |
Journal/Book: The Arts in Psychotherapy. 1988; 15: 219-225.
Abstract: After a short introduction of GIM and the socalled 13 "Archetypal Stages of the Great Round of the Mandala" (J. Kellogg, whose mandala Card test symbols are included) the author advocates for their use together with dream interpretation in the MT assessment and treatment process. This is illustrated by a case report on Maggie.. In her terapeutic process the experiences in GIM, dreams and Mandal drawing/card test are consistent; going from the feeling of being stuck, imaging herself as an embyro in a vagina dentata and chosing card #11, #3 and #1. This "impasse" is during the next 5 months illuminated thorugh images from Maggies life as a lonely child (a struggle against neurotic patterns) - leading to a beginning liberation of her inner child (card#4) and gradually to an insight in the nature of her stuckness, freeing her to do something about it (mandal showing crumbling walls and a large, merging yellow sun; card #6,7,8; search for new employment in real life). In the final phase it was possible to use music prviously intolerable to M. (Positive Affect) evoking positive, even religious and transpersonal feelings, and M. got in contact with a new strength of her own. Clinical commentary: "The GIM imagery appears closer to to consciousness and is influenced by the ego. Dreams are subject to to the deeper influences of id and superego as well as ego and physical condition." A restricted, fearful ego (en encapsuled inner child) was freed. LOB 16.1.96 Explores the use of dream, a form of therapy call Guided Imagery and Music (H. L. Bonny, 1980), and the Mandala Card Test (J. Kellogg, 1978) as 3 primary modalities in the treatment of a 35-yr-old female who presented with depression. A combination of these methods assisted the therapist in accessing the dynamics of this client at several levels of consciousness. A case study summary is presented that details the advances made using each of these modalities in helping to identify the S's neurotic patterns. It is asserted that, together, the therapist and the S were able to effect deep changes.
Note: dream analysis & Guided Imagery & Music & Mandala Card Test; 35 yr old depressed female; case report
Keyword(s): Guided Imagery in Music; GIM; Case study; . Mandala; Dream analysis; imagery ; music therapy; major depression; adulthood ; case report
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