Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Grief and the Elderly

Journal/Book: Australian Music Therapy Association Conference Proceedings. 1988; Australia. Australian Music Therapy Association 2/31 Abercrombie street 3103 Deepdene Australia. Collected Works.

Abstract: This paper examines the physical, psychological, social and economic factors that compound feelings of loss and grief in the elderly. Several practical ways to assist patients in their need to express grief include: 1) Isomodic Approach, 2) Improvisation, 3) Projection of Emotion Onto Music, 4) Sharing with the group, 5) Assessing the Value of Music Therapy in Grieving, 6) Grief for a son, 7) Life Review.

Note: Mary-Brooks, Associate-NZSMT.

Keyword(s): Grief, elderly, counselling, counselling-techniques, improvisation, projection.

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