Isolation and identification of a tumor reducing component from mistletoe extract (Iscador) |
Journal/Book: Cancer Letters 41, 307-314 und Manuskript Okt. 1987 an Verein f. Krebsforschung, Arlesheim. 1988;
Abstract: Using a combination of gel filtration and paper chromatography, a tumourreducing component from mistletoe extract (Iscador) was isolated andidentified to be a peptide of approximate molecular weight 5000. Theisolated peptide reduced the solid tumour induced by Dalton's lymphomaascites tumour cells (DLA cells) in mice. The isolated component wasvery cytotoxic to the DLA cells but was not cytotoxic to normallymphocytes, indicating a cell dependent specificity. Author.
Keyword(s): ANIMAL
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