Infektionsbedingte Harnsteine bei Kindern; aktuelles Therapieschema und Rezidivprophylaxe |
,Journal/Book: Klinische Pädiatrie. 1988; 200: 429-433.
Abstract: Infection stones have an outstanding position in childhood urolithiasis. In non-infection stones one can mostly find a certain - for example metabolic -causes of stone formation. In infection stones, the urease-producing and thus urea-cleaving properties of some gram-negative bacteria are responsible for alkalization of the urine and lead especially in combination with disturbances of urine transport to the staghorn calculi. Therefore in such children early diagnosis, adequate therapy and consequent maintenance is the crucial point for good life quality in future. Preliminary condition for therapeutic success is a dose coworking between pediatric nephrologist, pediatric urologist, family doctor and parents.
Keyword(s): Pädiatrie
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