Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Beeinflussung von Circadianrhythmen durch Radonthermalbäder. (Influence of radon-thermal-water bathes on circadian rhytmus)

Journal/Book: Z Phys Med Baln Med Klim. 1987;16:331-337.. 1987;

Abstract: Forteen male hypertensives (6 with and 8 without antihypertensive pharmacotherapy) stayd tree weeks for a cure in Badgastein. The patients had on every day in the morning a bath in radon-thermal-water for 20 minutes. Circadian rhytmus of sublingual temperature resting heart frequency blood pressur values as well as of the urinary excretion of sodium potassium epinephrine and norepinephrine and the sodium/potassium quotient were investigated. In the group with antihypertensive treatment generally fewer circadian rhytms could be detected as compred to the group without antihypertensives. In the first mentioned group however a greater trend for an accentuation of the circadian rhytms during the cure could be shown. In both groups the acrophases advanced from the first to the third week of the stay. This was true for all circadian rhytms investigated. Regular performed bathes in radon-thermal water are therefore effective as Zeitgeber for the circadian system.

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