Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Behandlung älterer, multimorbider Patienten mit stenocardischen Beschwerden

Author(s): Bernhöft, G., Bartsch, G.

Journal/Book: Therapiewoche. 1987; 37: 3587-3600.

Abstract: In a cross-over double-blind study, 36 multimorbid patients (average age 74 years) with stenocardiac conditions and decreasing cardiac Performance (cardiac insufficiency of stages I to II according to the NYHA) received treatment over aperiod of 6 weeks with 1 filmcoated tablet Crataegutt® novo, or, respectively, placebo. Under administration of the active substance, heart rate and Pressure/rate product decreased an average significantly under resting conditions; also after exercise at 25 W and 50 W x 2 min, the mean values for heart rate, systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures and Pressure/rate product were significantly below those obtained with placebo. This improvement of the hemodynamic parameters after administration of the active substance could also be objectivized after the 2-minute recoveryphase. This means that, in the medical assessment of the therapy success under clinical aspects, a clear advantage can be seen for the treatment with the active substance. After therapy with Crataegutt novo, patients complained less frequently of stenocardiac conditions. In addition to this, the results from the test series involving the psychological assessment ratings BPRS and NOSIE, a significantly superior mental stabilization of the patients after administration of the active substance was confirmed. Sleeping behavior and lack of appetite were also improved in the same way.

Keyword(s): Multimorbidität

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