Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Half a century of dance research : essays

Note: 86234836 by Gertrude Prokosch Kurath. CREATION AND SEARCH -- Dance Design -- Harmony and Conflict in Structure -- Panorama of Dance Ethnology -- CELEBRATIONS -- MEXICAN TRIBES -- Los Concheros -- Los Arrieros of Acopilco, Mexico -- Mexican Moriscas: A Problem in Dance Acculturation -- IROQUOIS -- Local Diversity in Music and Dance -- The Feast of the Dead or Ghost Dance -- Matriarchal Dances of hte Iroquios -- The Tutelo Fourth Night Spirit Release Singing -- Ondaga Ritual Parodies -- CENTRAL ALGONQUIANS -- Ottawa Indian Dancers -- Menomini Indian Dance Songs in a Changing Culture -- Blackrobe and Shaman -- RIO GRANDE PUEBLOS -- Plaza Circuits of Pueblo Indian Dancers -- Game Animal Dances of the Rio Grande Pueblo Indians -- Calling the Rain Gods -- A Comparison of Plains and Pueblo Songs -- COMMUNICATIONS -- THERAPY -- Syncopated Therapy -- Rhapsodies of Salvation -- Masked Clowns -- Dances of Frenzy -- ECOLOGY -- Native Choreographic Areas of North America -- Algonquian Ceremonialism and Natural Resources of the Great Lakes -- Dance, Music and the Daily Bread -- TehEffects of Environment on Cherokee-Iroquois Ceremonialism, Music, and Dance -- American Indian Dance in Ritual and Life -- Rirtuals for Sustenance -- The Kinetic Ecology of Yaqui Dance Instrumentation -- INTERNATINAL ETHNOLOGY -- Dance Ritual sof Mid-Europe and Middle America -- La Transculturacion en la Danza Hispano-Americana -- La Coreologia, Cienoia Foklorica de la Danza -- La Danza de los Matachines entra los Estudios Antropologicos -- CREATIVE RESEARCH -- Jazz Choreology -- Dance in Modern American Culture -- Research Methods of Gertrude Kurath -- Motion Pictures of Tewa Ritual Dances -- Universals in Dance -- ALR. English and Spanish. Includes bibliographies.

Keyword(s): Dancing.. Indians Dances.

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