Music Therapy in severe Cranio-Cerebral-Trauma |
Journal/Book: Musiktherapeutische Umschau. 1986; 7: Stuttgart. G. Fischer Verlag. 103-110.
Abstract: In cases of adolescent or adult cranio-cerebral trauma following accidents, it is difficult to establish contact with the patient by conventional medical and therapeutic methods, since these are largely speech-dependent. Music gives the opportunity of making contact on a non-verbal level even at the acute stage. A rooming-in procedure with relatives is used to combat the very deep fears felt by the patient. Receptive music therapy can further alleviate fear and uneasiness and help to rebuild the feeling of "Urvertrauen" (basic trust). In the emotionally relaxed atmosphere this creates, it may be possible to reduce drastically the necessary doses of drugs and to avoid securing the patient to the bed. At this stage, active music therapy enables the patient to experience himself/herself as a "sounding being" once again. This can contribute to overcoming the consequences of lethary and mutism and can help to rebuild disintegrating patterns of social interaction.
Keyword(s): Non-verbal-contact, rooming-in-procedure, receptive-music-therapy, active-music-therapy.
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