Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Verwendung paramedizinischer Behandlungsmethoden durch Tumorpatienten

Journal/Book: Dtsch-Med-Wochenschr. 111 (8), 283-287. 1986;

Abstract: In an anonymous inquiry 101 consecutive tumour patients and theirdoctors were questioned on the use of treatment methods and preparationswithout proven efficacy. 32 patients stated they were using suchpreparations and methods. Three-quarters of the patients had adopted thefollowing dietetic measures, in descending order of frequency: beetrootjuice (34%), vitamins (22%), lactic acid or herbal products (9% each).Iscador (mistletoe extract) was used by 21%, and homoeopathicpreparations by 6%. Patients' estimate of the total cost, in 69% ofcases, was below 300 Swiss francs, but in one case it exceeded 1200.There was no difference in the use or non-use of the products in regardto the doctor's assessment of the prognosis, age, the therapeuticsuccess according to established medical criteria, or the diagnosis andits correct appreciation by the patient. Male patients employed thesemethods or preparations significantly more often (43%) than femalepatients (22%); such patients also showed a higher incidence of severesuffering from side effects of chemotherapy (19% vs. 7%), especiallynausea. The use of Iscador was known to the doctor in 71% of the cases,whereas the use of the other methods and preparations was known in only25%. Author.


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