Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Of time and personal myth

Journal/Book: Perceptual and Motor Skills. 1985; 61: 1207-1214.

Abstract: Discusses the evolution of self-realization through the experience of change and passage and the process of personal myth-making. It is posited that self-realization, like music, images time, but where music images lived time, self-realization images the virtual time particular to personal myth. In the well-lived life the sense of eternal return native to personal myth becomes an awareness of continual, richening return to what one is and always has been. The recurrence transtemporalizes, raising the life course into a living work of art. It is suggested that self-realization resolves being and becoming into an identity, and the commanding agency is the personal myth. (9 ref)

Note: time & personal myth; self realization

Keyword(s): Self actualization; personality development

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