Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Special edition about "the training programs".

Author(s): Smitskamp, H., Andre, P.

Journal/Book: Tijdschrift voor kreatieve therapie. 1985; 1: Zutphen, Netherlands. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kreatieve Therapie Postbus 577 7200 AN Zutphen Netherlands. 4-21.

Abstract: This issue is devoted to the Mikojel-training institutes for creative therapy. The four schools present themselves, and the editors interviewed students of the oldest three institutes. Of the Kopse Hof four teachers are heard. "This approach underlines the not unambiguous line within the institute", say the editors. The Jelburg and Mikojel-academy Sittard mainly write about the organisational difficulties in establishing their institutes. Middeloo offers a clear and integrated contribution of content. Middeloo students do, Jelburg and Kopse Hof students don't recognise a clear line in the course, and sufficient support starting from the theory offered.

Note: Kopse-Hof-Nijmegen, Jelburg, Mikojel-Academy-Sittard, Middeloo.

Keyword(s): training, program, interview, organization.

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