Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
October 2024

Current Directions in Cerebral Dominance Research

Journal/Book: Australian Music Therapy Association Conference Proceedings. 1984; Australia. Australian Music Therapy Association 2/31 Abercrombie street 3103 Deepdene Australia. Collected Works.

Abstract: This paper reviews early studies which led to the formalisation of the cerebral dominance theory, and then reviews current research findings spread across developmental stages and a variety of disabling conditions, noting the direction of research from generalisations to the specifics, and the ramifications of these findings for music therapy. Music behaviors are shown to relate to cerebral dominance theory. It becomes evident that music perception and response involves a complex arrangement of different behaviors, and that variables exist to ensure that each person will respond differently, depending on training, preference, nature of the task, age, and the nature of disabling conditions if they exist.

Keyword(s): Cerebral-Dominance, cerebral, cerebral-cortex, cerebral-hemisphere, lateralization, music-education, music-listening, music-psychology, music-intelligence.

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