Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Fort--visa mig vag~ Reflexioner kring texter av Alice Miller och Richard Wagner. (Quickly--show me the way~ Reflections on the works of Alice Miller and Richard Wagner.)

Journal/Book: Psykisk Halsa. 1984; 25: 71-83.

Abstract: Discusses the significance of 3 works by Swiss psychoanalyst Alice Miller dealing with the innocence of children and examines the effect of Richard Wagner's epic operas on Hitler. Miller's works are concerned with the conflict between the child's nature and culture, narcissism in childhood, and the relation of the child to the family and the outside world. Hitler's underlying childhood conflicts and trauma are considered the cause of his obsessive fascination with the characters in Wagner's musical trilogy. (6 ref)

Note: psychoanalytic view of innocence of children & effects of R. Wagner's operas on A. Hitler; comments on works by A. Miller

Keyword(s): Theatre ; history ; psychoanalytic interpretation; psychohistory ; fascism ; professional criticism; childhood development

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