Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
October 2024

Klinik und Therapie des Herpes simplex - Vorstellung eines neuen phytotherapeutischen Wirkstoffes

Author(s): Milbradt, R.

Journal/Book: Therapiewoche. 1984; 34: 1193-1200.

Abstract: The active ingredient of Lomaherpan® Cream is a standardized extract from Melissa officinalis which has been enriched in its antiviral activity and was proved to be a potent agent for the therapy of cutaneous Herpes simplex lesions. Lomaherpan® is the result of recent phytopharmaceutical research. The antiviral effects against Herpes simplex virus were confirmed in several in-vitro tests. It ist evident from the results of the overt clinical study (involving 115 patients) that Lomaherpan® reduced distinctively the healing period and extended significantly the recurrence-free intervals. In comparison with other topical antiviral agents of commerce the adverse effects are insignificant.

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