Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
January 2025

Music therapy in the treatment of anxiety and fear in terminal pediatric patients

Journal/Book: Music Therapy. 1982; 2: 13-23.

Abstract: Present excerpts and analyses of case studies of terminal-cancer pediatric patients that display a variety of music therapy techniques to show how "grief work" is part of a larger therapeutic process. Topics of discussion include the applicability of music therapy; personalized confrontations with death; working through fear, pain, and separation; fears related to drug-induced hallucinations; withdrawal and apathy; isolation from the family; sensitivity to hospital routine; and fear of death. In working with pediatric cancer patients, helping professionals must seek out the healthy aspects of severely ill individuals. It is concluded that the creative life of the child must not be dismissed as secondary in times of illness, that it must share equal importance with other intellectual and physical needs. (17 ref)

Note: music therapy; treatment of anxiety & fear; terminal cancer pediatric patients

Keyword(s): Music therapy; terminally ill patients; neoplasms ; death anxiety; childhood

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