Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Transdermale Elektrostimulation an Akupunkturpunkten zur Beeinflussung der Plazentadurchblutung

Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1982; 4: 105-113.

Abstract: Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TNS) is a new, riskless and simple method of electrical stimulation. Beside theoretical considerations clinical reports exist about the effectiveness of this method in cases of reduced vascular flow.Within a period of more than two years 71 pregnant patients with reduced placental function were treated with TNS. Paravertebral rubber electrodes (segments Th 1 0 - L 1 and S 1 - S 4) were stimulated with a bipolar rectangular electric impulse, with a frequency of 40-60 Hz and an impulse width of 0,25 to 0,5 msec.The placental insufficiency was diagnosed by the well approved parameters of placental functions as isotope placental perfusion measurement, hormonal tests (HPL and Estriol) and contact thermography.After stimulationtherapy a significant improvement (p<0,001, t-test) of placental perfusion was found in 41 patients after single application of TNS and after a treatment of two weeks with this method.In 39 patients with placental insufficiency a significant rise (p<0,05, t-test) in the hormonal parameters of HPL and Estriol, absolutely and in comparison to a group of normal pregnancies was observed.Contactthermography showed in 1 7 of 20 patients with an anterior wall placenta a distinct increase of the intensity of temperature under TNS-therapy.The therapy is simple and sate, which means, that no limitation for it's use are to be considered. Therefore, after this detailed tests about the effectiveness, TNS can' be recommended as a new method for the treatment of placental Insufficiency.

Keyword(s): Transkutane elektrische Nervenstimulation (TNS)

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