Anwendung der Elektroakupunktur bei gynäkologisch-chirurgischen Eingriffen |
,Journal/Book: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur. 1982; 6: 178-184.
Abstract: The autors refer to the fact that in the last few years, there have been various successful attempts to substitute some types of pharmaceutical preparations used in general narcosis with peripheral electrical stimulation. They stress the significance of this fact particularly for obstetrical and gynecological surgery.The following paper attempts to establish the effectiveness of electro-acupuncture analgesia (EAP) for various gynecological operations in comparison to NLA-regulated general narcosis. The study was carried out on 100 patients, who were divided into two homogeneous groups (basic group, control group) according to duration, traumatism, and extent of surgical intervention.Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of the narcosis was made with the criteria usual in anesthesia (blood pressure, pulse, dampness and color of 'the skin, form of the pupils, etc.).To further qualify the various forms of analgesia (NLA, EAP), the data of the EEG, EKG, finger plethysmogram, galvanic skin reactions, and rectal temperature were compared during the various phases of the operation and narcosis. The parameters of acid-base balance, as well as determination of pO2 in mixed capillar blood, enable evaluation of pulmonary ventilation.On the basis of the observed comparable values of both narcosis methods, the researchers arrive at the conclusion that neurolept-analgesia as well as electro-acupuncture achieve sufficient stability of vegetative reactions to the surgical trauma, however, repression of CNS functions is far less extensive in EAP-regulated narcosis.Furthermore, the aquired clinical and electrophysiological data imply that disturbances in the organism's basal resistance and compensation mechanisms, which appear in general narcosis, may be clearly reduced by the use of EAP analgesia components. According to the authors, this form of analgesia guarantees a sufficient antinociceptive effect in 65% of gynecological operations.
Keyword(s): Analgesie
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