Acta Anaesthesiol Belg. 1981 ; 32(1): 33-43.
The treatment of pain by acupuncture. The riddle of acupuncture and the place of the acupuncturist in the pain-team.
Recent literature concerning the mechanism of the possible acupuncture effect is discussed. The results of several authors in the treatment by acupuncture of patients suffering from a chronic pain syndrome are mentioned. The acupuncture effect is analysed and is divided in specific and aspecific effect and placebo reaction. The possibility of acupuncture treatment being classified into categories is indicated with respect to future scientific research into the acupuncture effect according to this methodological approach. Finally, the place of the acupuncturist in the pain team is discussed. (Acta anaesth. belg., 1981, 32, 33-43).
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