Minerva Med. 1980 Mar; 71(12): 899-903.
[Muscular tensions of the back studied with telethermography: changes induced with static measures and auricular acupuncture. Preliminary report]
Thirty-six cases affected with scoliosis or scoliotic attitudes secondary to static trouble were examined. On all these cases a telethermography of the back was carried out demonstrating the presence of thermic asymmetry as regards to a normal map presenting hot areas on the side of the curve's concavity. The dysmorphosis secondary to static trouble cases was treated with millimetric rise whilst idiopathic scoliosis was treated with auricle therapy and precisely with the penetration of semipermanent steelplated needles of the bilateral external anthelis face. The exact point of penetration was determined by making use of the F frequency. All the cases treated have undergone long-term controls which document a return towards a normal telethermography. In the case of idiopathic scoliosis a significant modification in the thermography already after fifteen seconds of needle penetration was observed.
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