Music for the hearing impaired : a resource manual and curriculum guide |
,Abstract: I. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II. AUDIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN MUSIC WITH THE DEAF III. AUTHORS' PREFACE IV. SINGING A. FREE SINGING ACTIVITIES 1. Vocal Exploration: Developing Vocal Awareness 2. Sustained Vocal Sounds and Deeper Breathing 3. Singing Long and Short Sounds 4. Singing With The Children's Tune; Pentatonic and Diatonic 5. Siren Effect B. SINGING SONGS 1. Subject 2. Action 3. Language 4. Tempo 5. Mood 6. The Setting of the Words 7. Affective Melody and Rhythm 8. Expressive Quality of Song and Singing 9. Phrasing and Repetition 10. Activating Harmony 11. Visual Aids and Charts for Singing 12. Body Rhythms and Movements With Singing 13. Signing and Singing V. CLASSROOM INSTRUMENTAL WORK A. WORKING WITH COMPOSED PIECES 1. Rationale 2. Instruments 3. Songs With Instruments 4. Instrumental Compositions and Arrangements 5. Resonator Bells 6. Handbells B. UTILIZING INSTRUMENTS FREELY 1. Introducing Instruments to Young Children 2. Practicing New Skills for Structured Pieces 3. Evolving Arrangements to Suit a Group 4. Exploring the Elements and Components of Music VI. MUSIC READING A. READING CHARTS AND SCORES 1. Picture Notation 2. Color-Coded Notation 3. Preparing Color-Coded Charts 4. Using Charts B. READING RHYTHMIC NOTATION 1. Beats and Rests - Picture Notation 2. Beats and Rests - Standard Notation 3. Accents 4. Preparing a Standard Notation System for the Wall Chart 5. Counting, Quarter Notes, Quarter Rests 6. Introducing Eighth Notes 7. Combining Eighth and Quarter Notes Within Measures 8. Combining Eighth and Quarter Notes With Quarter Rests Within Measures 9. 4/4 and 2/4 Time Signatures 10. Whole and Half Notes 11. Combining Whole, Half, Quarter and Eighth Notes and Quarter Rests 12. Additional Rhythmic Components C. READING MELODIC NOTATION VII. MUSICAL AUDITORY TRAINING 1. The Piano Sound and Silence 2. Rudimentary Movement to Sound 1) & 2) 3. Awareness of Tempo Contrast and Basic Beat 4. Awareness of Dynamic Contrast and Change 5. Discrimination Between 1) Piano and Drum 2) Piano, Drum, Cymbal and Reed Horn 6. Piano-Drum Audiogram 7. Sharpening Auditory Awareness in Structured Instrumental Activity 8. Perceiving Rhythmic Patterns Aurally and Reproducing Them 9. Classroom Instruments: Practicing Discrimination and Recognition 10. Developing the Awareness of Verbal-Melodic Phrasing and Form in Songs 11. Following Instrumental Pieces and Scores Through Audition VIII. PLAYS AND STORIES WITH MUSIC 1. Some Results of Acting Out Stories 2. Resources in Different Forms of Action, Speech and Music 3. Pif-Paf-Poltrie 4. The Three Bears 5. Fairy Tales and Folk Tales 6. Broadway or Walt Disney Musicals 7. Plays With a Religious Content 8. Peter and the Wolf IX. MOVEMENT AND DANCE 1. Movement Itself 2. Musical Awareness and Perception 3. Social and Cultural Experience 4. Clothing 5. Using Music 6. Using Percussion Instruments A. IMITATIVE MOVEMENT 1. Using Personal Space 2. Mirroring B. SINGING GAMES C. LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS 1. Walk 2. Body Direction 3. "Don't Touch" 4. Structuring the Walk 5. March and Tiptoe 6. Run 7. Free Combinations of Walk and Run Rhythms 8. Jump 9. Hop 10. Leap 11. Skip 12. Gallop 13. Slide D. NONLOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS 1. Bend and Stretch 2. Swing 3. Push and Pull 4. Bounce 5. Twist 6. Turn 7. Shake 8. Body Percussion 9. Lummi Sticks E. FOLK AND SQUARE DANCE 1. Folk Dance 2. Square Dance F. CREATIVE MOVEMENT 1. Body Awareness 2. Feeling the Beat 3. Contrasts 4. Emotions 5. Form X. MUSIC KNOWLEDGE 1. Language and Information Relating to Music Itself and Music-Making 2. Social and Historical Backgrounds to Music 3. Projects Out of the Classroom XI. INSTRUMENTAL INSTRUCTION 1. Basic Considerations 2. Auditioning 3. Trial Period 4. Instruction 5. Practice Arrangements 6. The Mini Band 7. Band Work and the Choice of Music 8. Special Problem Areas 9. Some Gains From Instrumental Playing 10. Other Instrumental Possibilities XII. APPENDIXES A. The Music Room and its Equipment, Management, B. Working Singly, Making Recordings, Teamwork C. Individualized Educational Programs D. Hearing Aids and Room Acoustics E. Improvising in the Pentatonic F. The Application of the Manual to Other Special Groups G. Looking to the Future: Research, Dissemination, Personnel Training H. Resources XIII. MUSIC INCLUDED IN THE TEXT A. SINGING CHILDREN'S TUNE ILLUSTRATIONS GHOST OF TOM I HAVE a name ROCKA MY SOUL CAN SING GREETING SONG IT'S YOUR TURN TO SING Hello* Good Morning Song Thank You Jacob's Ladder LET'S MAKE MUSIC How Old Are You? WHAT IS THE SOUND? B. CLASSROOM INSTRUMENTAL WORK Beat The Drum Once Charlie Knows How To Beat That Drum WE'LL MAKE MUSIC Fun For Four Drums Kum Ba Yah "One" One Bell, Two Bells HORN MARCH Composition 2 BOLERO ORIENTAL NIGHT Good Morning GOODBYE Quietly A Rainy Day CHIAPANECAS Heather Forget-Me-Not Jack-In-The-Pulpit All Night, All Day Echoes PEAL OF BELLS MUSIC IN THE AIR FANFARE FOR BELLS SILENT NIGHT To The Music I C. MUSIC READING Taking Turns "THE WHOLE, HALF, QUARTER, EIGHTH EXERCISE" HOT CROSS BUNS AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE D. MOVEMENT AND DANCE To The Music I To The Music II CLAP YOUR HANDS COPYCAT MIRRORING BLUEBIRD LOOBY LOO CIRCLE ROUND THE ZERO GO IN AND OUT THE WINDOWS DID YOU EVER SEE A LASSIE? HOKEY POKEY SHAKE MY HAND PUNCHINELLO WALK WALK AND RUN I WALK AND RUN II JUMP THE COTTONTAIL BOUNCE HOP LOCH LOMOND LEAP SKIP GALLOP SKIP AND GALLOP SLIDE BEND AND STRETCH SWING SWING AND CIRCLE PUSH AND PULL BOUNCE TWIST SHAKE STREET BEAT SHOEMAKERS DANCE CHIMES OF DUNKIRK KINDERPOLKA HORA OH SUSANNA SOLOMON LEVI E. INSTRUMENTAL INSTRUCTION CHORALE F. APPENDIX IV PENTATONIC INSTRUCTION EXAMPLES *All pieces entitled in upper and lower case are excerpts.
Note: by Carol Robbins and Clive Robbins, with an audiological introduction by Arthur Boothroyd. -- Errata slip inserted. Cover title: Music for the hearing impaired & other special groups. Includes bibliography and discography.
Keyword(s): Deaf Rehabilitation.. Handicapped children Rehabilitation.. Music therapy.
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