Isolierung und Charakterisierung von Inhaltsstoffen der Mistel (VISCUM ALBUM L.)II Wirkung von agglutinierenden und zytoktoxischen Fraktionen auf Mäuse-Aszites-Tumorzellen |
Journal/Book: Acta 36, 119-125. 1977;
Abstract: Lectin from mistletoe (Viscum album L.) was studied for its relationswith the toxins from Viscum album, ascites tumor cells of mouse, andhuman immunoglobulins. Using affinity chromatography onglutaraldehyde-crosslinked IgG (human) from viscum crude extract, afraction was isolated which exhibited full agglutination capacity andhigh toxicity. The supernatant showed no agglutination capacity but astrong toxic effect on mouse ascites tumor cells. This toxic effectcould not be influenced by further additions of insolubilized IgG.Chromatography on DEAE cellulose also gave agglutinating fractions withtoxic effects and a non-agglutinating toxic portion. Columnchromatography on Sephadex G 75 allowed separation of toxic fromagglutinating components. The molecular weight of the toxin remainingafter lectin removal was above 10,000. Lectin was found to bind morereadily to mouse ascites tumor cells than to erythrocytes.
Keyword(s): ANIMAL
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