Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

The unanswered question: Six talks at Harvard.

Abstract: Contents: 1. Musical Phonology - 2. Musical Syntax - 3. Musical Semantics - 4. The Delights and Dangers of Ambiguity - 5. The Twentieth Century Crisis - 6. The Poetry of Earth With recorded music examples included.

Note: The GIM phenomenological analysis format (Ferrara etc.) seems to go back to this source. What Bernstein tried to do, was to apply Noam Chomsky's "transformational grammar" on music understanding. The chapter of the book = the six lectures have these headlines: 1. Musical phonology 2. Musical Syntax 3. Musical Semantics 4. The Delights and dangers of Ambiguity 5. The Twentieth Century Crisis 6. The Poetry of Earth And Bernstein explores the concept of music as methaphor the metaphorical meaning of music (Chapter 3) Bernstein makes this parallel between music and language, elaborating Chomsky's theory (p. 58):

Keyword(s): Linguistics. Semantics. Syntax. Phonology. Tranformational grammar. Chomsky. Music analysis

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