Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1974

Chiropractic schools.
Schamanistische Z�ge der chinesischen Volksmedizin. Zur Bewertung unorthodoxer Heilmethoden im traditionellen China.
Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar. The first eminent allopath to practise and propagate homoeopathy.
Some aspects of eighteenth-century folk medicine.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
From holiness to healing: the faith cure in America, 1872-1892.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Letter: Propranolol and digitalis.
Letter: Propranolol and digitalis.
Spontaneous cure of vitamin-D deficiency in Asians during summer in Britain.
Experience in the local treatment of venous diseases using a venous gel
Control of mange mites in a large mouse colony.
Prolapsed intervertebral disc.
Manipulating the patient. A comparison of the effectiveness of physician and chiropractor care.
Letter: Treatment by vertebral manipulation.
Blocking of the effect of delta1 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta1THC) on spontaneous motor activity in the rat by immunization with a protein conjugate of delta1THC.
Letter: Acupuncture for drug addiction.
Letter: Rauwolfia derivatives and breast cancer.
Letter: Rauwolfia derivatives and breast cancer.
Letter: Manipulating the patient.
Friedrich Hoffman and some medical aspects of witchcraft.
Social science and health policy in preindustrial society.
Nursing experience with cesarean section with acupuncture anesthesia
Hypertension. Diagnosis and therapy in practice
A glimpse of medicine in China.
"Snap, crackle, and pop".
EKG of the month.
Drug therapy of hypertension (author's transl)
Principles of combining hypotensive agents (review of the literature)
Abnormalites of left ventricular function during angina
Deafness and acupuncture.
Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia.
Treatment of hypertension in the elderly.
Drug therapy of hypertension: what we have, what we need, what we expect.
Otolaryngology in Australia through a retrospectoscope.
Workshop on the use of acupuncture in the rheumatic diseases. Summary of proceedings. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, September 17-18, 1973.
Child health in the People's Republic of China.
The African attitude toward sickness. Its relation to sculpture.
Bridging a cultural gap for better patient care.
Drug therapy of the nerve-root-irritation syndrome
Editorial: Hypertension. Introduction
Cannabis: a psychopharmacological review.
Treatment of postoperative edema with Reparil. Report of experiences (author's transl)
Oral heart therapy using convallaria glycosides in ambulatory practice
Effect of shengmaisan on cardiac arrest due to acute hemorrhage
Abdominal surgery without routine gastric decompression, intravenous infusion and fasting. Analysis of 250 cases of subtotal gastrectomy
Acupuncture analgesia following bilateral adrenalectomy and cervical sympathectomy in rabbits
Effect of philtrum needling on organic blood flow in cats under hemorrhagic shock
Postoperative care in subtotal gastrectomy without gastric decompression, intravenous infusion and fasting
The peripheral afferent pathway in acupuncture analgesia
Acupuncture anesthesia in open heart surgery with extracorporeal circulation
Acupuncture anesthesia in open heart surgery with extracorporeal circulation
Acupuncture anesthesia in open heart surgery with extracorporeal circulation
Treatment of cardiogenic shock
Anesthesia by Chinese traditional medicine. A preliminary analysis of 150 cases
Anesthesia using traditional Chinese herb medicine in operations on patients with shock. An analysis of 232 cases
Long-term conservative therapy of chronic AV block.
Blood circulation and hemodynamics of heart in angina pectoris
Letter: Supplementary drug therapy in smoking withdrawal
Health and healing practices among five ethnic groups in Miami, Florida.
Letter: Acu- and pleuro-puncture.
Editorial: Politicians and chiropractic.
Treatment of post-traumatic edema. Animal experiment studies on the medicamentous influencing of post-traumatic rat-paw edema
Editorial: Politicians and chiropractic.
Acupuncture analgesia in animals: study of specific location(s) of acupuncture points.
Clinicopathologic correlations. De subitaneis mortibus. VI. Two young soldiers.
Injecting science into the acupuncture picture.
Case reports. Permanent subcutaneous gold acupuncture needles.
Leiomyosarcoma of the pulmonary trunk associated with pericardial effusion.
Editorial: Manual medicine today (author's transl)
Effect of auriculo-acupuncture on pain.
Experiences with manual therapy
Acupuncturation: a Western perspective.
Acupuncture: the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment of sensorineural hearing loss.
Treatment of traumatic hemorrhages into the vitreous body with fibrinolysin in combination with other methods
Food zealotry and youth: new dilemmas for professionals.
The "new" vegetarians. Group affiliation and dietary strictures related to attitudes and life style.
Chiropractic: a challenge for health education.
The acupunture point.
Health care cooperation at Aquarius Festival.
Manual therapy and internal medicine (author's transl)
Some general mechanisms of the effect of acupuncture (author's transl)
Preventive intervention: healing in West Africa.
Inhibitory effect produced by stimulation of afferent nerves on responses of cat dorsolateral fasciculus fibres to nocuous stimulus.
Continuing homeopathy
Letter: A mini-symposium on acupuncture.
Cannabis--accidental peroral intoxication. The hashish smuggler roentogenographically unmasked.
Letter: Vegetarian diet.
Letter: Acupuncture study.
Therapeutic acupuncture in the People's Republic of China implications for American medicine.
Complications of acupuncture.
Editorial: Acupuncture--1974.
Editorial: Acupuncture: failure to relieve deafness.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Stroke following chiropractic manipulation of the spine.
Blood and neoplastic diseases: megaloblastic anaemia.
Letter: The new chiropractor law
Acupuncture anesthesia in the People's Republic of China Implications for American medicine.
Letter: Acupuncture for psychiatric disorders.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Letter: Complication of acupuncture.
Letter: Pneumothorax as complication of acupuncture.
Ambulatory acupuncture treatment of patients with nocturnal urinary incontinence
Final remark on the reply to the paper "Manual therapy of spine and its indication" (Beitr. Orthop. 20 (1973), 581-93)
Letter: Iodine deficiency goiter of unusual etiology
Manual therapy. Contribution to G. Kaiser's paper: Manual therapy of spine and its indication. Beitr. Orthop. 20 (1973), 581-593)
On the use of acupuncture in the preparation for delivery (author's transl)
Treatment of dry rhinitis
Use of aloe in complex treatment of patients with focal pulmonary tuberculosis
Acupuncture analgesia in animals: I. Selection of optimal electric stimulation.
Acupuncture as a method of preparation in obstetrics.
Cardiovascular effects of acupuncture in anesthetized dogs.
Chinese herbal medicines.
Development of mental health services among existing community institutions in rural areas: the case of the Japanese Kumiai.
Editorial: Acupuncture in heroin withdrawal.
Editorial: Acupuncture.
Editorial: On cavil, panjandrums and one paladin.
Experience with acupuncture anesthesia in cosmetic plastic surgery.
His-bundle electrography. Clinical applications. Second of two parts.
Letter: Acupuncture and hypnotherapy.
Letter: Acupuncture myopathy? (Remembrance of things passed).
Letter: An unusual complication of acupuncture?
Letter: Barefoot doctors.
Letter: Repeated acupunctures and serum hepatitis.
Letter: What is a quack?
Marijuana and driving in real-life situations.
Office management of hypertension.
Results of audiometric study of sensorineurally impaired subjects treated with acupuncture.
Rural health care in Mexico?
Scalp needle therapy--acupuncture treatment for central nervous system disorders.
Social change and psychosomatic response in Papua New Guinea.
Treatment of headache employing acupuncture.
Some dietary beliefs in Chinese folk culture.
Food faddism: a challenge to nutritionists and dietitians.
Kava kava. Mental health in Papua New Guinea.
Disability and rehabilitation expertise regarding patients with diencephalic autonomic-vascular paroxysms
Blood pressure in vegetarians.
Semeiotic surgery with regard to technics of acupuncture
Letter: Acupuncture and heroin withdrawal.
Letter: Chiropractic.
Letter: Folk medical beliefs.
Letter: More on chiropractic.
Letter: The chiropractor issue.
In the public interest. Doubt acupuncture value after China visit.
Another culture, another time.
Marihuana metabolites in urine of man. III. Unchanged delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Action of sea buckthorn oil on the bacterial flora in acute rhinopharyngitis
Law-medicine notes acupuncture and the practice of medicine.
The new vegetarians: the natural high?
Editorial: Rauwolfia and breast cancer.
Acupuncture in the treatment of pain in unoperable arterial occlusive disorders. Report on 3 cases
Observations of "acupuncture anesthesia" in the People's Republic of China.
The social basis of illness.
Vegetarian diets.
Peyote in the treatment of alcoholism among American Indians.
Hematological, vitamin B 12, and folate studies on Seventh-day Adventist vegetarians.
Acupunture--a problem for the anaesthetist?
Rauwolfia preparations and breast cancer
Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome: results in twenty-eight patients treated by combined pharmacologic therapy and pacemaker implantation.
Canada's native peoples. Introduction--methodology and topics of research.
Witchdoctors succeed where doctors fail: psychotherapy among Coast Salish Indians.
Cannabis analgesia.
Hypertension in rats following multiple acupuncture of the adrenal glands.
Osteomalacia, myopathy and basilar impression.
Therapeutic use of kalankhoe juice in ophthalmology
Local treatment of wounds using bagasse
Experience in treating alopecia areata with galenicals of Bidens triparta
Acupuncture needle in bladder.
Acupuncture: Canadian anesthetists report on visit to China.
Observations on myocardial function during chronic catecholamine oversecretion.
Use of Kalanchoe juice for the treatment of trophic leg ulcers
Acupuncture from the urologist's viewpoint
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.
Letter: Non-myopathogenic acupuncture.
Manipulating the Pennsylvania spine.
Letter: Colleagues or opponents?
An evaluation of acupuncture analgesia in obstetrics.
Role of supraspinal structures in the inhibitory effect of acupuncture on viscero-somatic reflex discharges
Combined Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction
Effect of allyl propyl disulphide isolated from onion (Allium cepa L.) on glucose tolerance of alloxan diabetic rabbits.
Stimulatory effect of Leonurus artemisia (i-mu ts'ao) on the contraction of human myometrium in vitro.
Initiating labour of the pregnant uterus through electro-acupuncture (author's transl)
Acupuncture anesthesia in China
Health care and pharmacy practice in a Borana village.
Culture and mental illness. A social labeling perspective.
Feasibility of acupuncture as a treatment for sensori-neural deafness in children.
Acupuncture studies.
Therapeutic properties of the cholagogue preparation flastapiol in biliary tract diseases in children
The return of suggestion.
Health, disease, and methods of treatment in Nepal
Notes, from the 46th Congress on Naturopathy in Freudenstadt
Proceedings: On the relationship between inflammatory joint disease and the foregut hormones, gastrin and secretin.
Editorial: Acupuncture: dilemmas, problems, perspectives.
Familial occurrence of omphalocele.
Percutaneous treatment of functional and organic cardialgia
Effects of mescaline, [delta9]-tetrahydrocannabinol and pentobarbital on the auditory evoked responses in the cat.
Regulation of the self-administration of marihuana by psychological and pharmacological variables.
Acupuncture treatment of post-tonsillectomy pain. The analgesic effect compared with blind puncture
Letter: Manipulation therapy in practice
Acupuncture: the meeting of East and West.
Cholera in Mali and popular reactions to its first appearance.
Acupuncture--yes or not?
What folklore psychotherapy can teach us.
Cultural aspects of psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy in Africa.
Letter: Acupuncture--why into the pinna?
Gypsies: culture and child care.
Ethnoiatric data and botanical folklore in the district of jassy
Do not dramatize the question of natural drugs
Observations on variolation practices in Mali.
Letter: Effect of acupuncture on pain threshold.
History of acupuncture
Letter: Elektro-acupuncture-analgesia in minor gynaecological operations (author's transl)
Measuring and plugging: the magical containment and transfer of disease.
Physiologic changes in men whose jobs were abolished.
Editorial: Acupuncture.
Speaking the same language. Working with West Indian patients.
Acupuncture and treatment of pain
Acupuncture and treatment of pain. Many misconceptions and misinterpretations
Prospects for studying the sucrose-decreasing action of bean preparations
Acupunctureanalgesia--hypnosis and hysteria
Defaulter and abscondee: a Melanesian miscellany.
Marijuana and sexual activity.
Complications of dietary deficiency of vitamin B12 in young Caucasians.
Neurophysiological mechanism of acupuncture analgesia.
Acupunctural analgesia? Evaluation by signal detection theory.
Acupuncture analgesia. Report of 100 experiments.
Antimicrobial substances of superior plants. 45. Primary observations of 2 new quinoids isolated from Hyptis fructicosa Salzm ex Benth(Labiatae)
Letter: Treatment of nicotine addiction with Avena sativa.
Hypothesis on the mechanism of acupuncture anesthesia
Plasma levels and electrocardiogram after intravenous administration of proscillaridin and digoxin
Acute renal failure in Zambian women using traditional herbal remedies.
Resorption, disappearance rate and clinical effectiveness of talusin
Changes of the contractile function of the myocardium of the left and right ventricles in patients with rheumatic heart defects in the process of treatment with corglycon
Electroca rdiographic control in clinical use of mean therapeutic doses of cardiac glycosides (strophanthin, corglycon)
Indications for and the scope of cardiostimulating therapy after lung resection
Diagnosis and therapy of tinnitus
Use of acupuncture and acupuncture anesthesia in otorhinolaryngology
Clinical and experimental observations on acupuncture analgesia (author's transl)
Experimental study of acupuncture anesthesia
The effects of sensual drugs on behavior: clues to the function of the brain.
Plasma glycoside level and electrocardiogram following single intravenous and oral administration of methylproscillaridine in healthy subjects
A case of licorice-induced pseudoaldosteronism (author's transl)
"Keikin" (muscle meridian) accupuncture according to oriental medicine in a case of cervical spondylosis with distortion
Letter: Hypnosis and acupuncture.
Letter: Moxibustion warning.
Editorial: Message from China.
Clinical observations on toxic effects of Xhosa medicine.
Managing chronic pain.
Environmental carcinogens: is there a threshold of exposure?
Pain and suffering. Acupuncture.
Chinese method of acupuncture analgesia in delivery
An appraisal of acupuncture in China.
Adapting health care to a cultural setting.
Curanderismo in South Texas.
Acupuncture and cauterization; an effective method of reflexotherapy
The nurse and acupuncture.
An orthodontist's visit to China.
Acupuncture & dentistry.
Editorial: Acupuncture.
Symposium on squill. Introduction.
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and epilepsy in the photosensitive baboon, Papio papio.
Acupuncture for deafness: a study of patients treated in Washington, D.C.
Where we stand: SCMA positions on medical and socio-economic subjects.
Acupuncture. My second visit to China within a year
Focal process and Voll's electroacupuncture in dentistry
Ritual changes in the dentition among the Aleuts.
Key words from study trip to China
The rebirth of herbal cures
Acupuncture therapy of sensorineural deafness. Evaluation study.
Letter: In defense of acupuncture.
The problem of cultural specificity of mental illness: the Egyptian mental disease and the Zar ceremony.
Use of acupuncture for dental therapy and analgesia: current position statement. Council on Dental Research.
A case of focal infection, discovered by means of the electroacupuncture test
Dental acupuncture.
Hazards to independence of new medical graduate.
Acupuncture and its physiological action mechanism
Acupuncture anesthesia
Editorial: Acupuncture.
Where health is patriotism. Visit of New Zealand medical delegation to China: 20 August-9 September 1974.
Experiences with acupuncture in oral surgery
Cannabis and the criteria for legalisation of a currently prohibited recreational drug: groundwork for a debate.
The place of homeopathy in modern medicine
Pharmacological studies on Chinese herbs. 1. Hypotensive effects of 30 Chinese herbs
Homeopathy in dentistry
Electroacupuncture in dentistry
Acupuncture in the Soviet Union.
Application of acupuncture in dentistry
Application of Oriental medicine in dentistry
A review of some forms of analgesia including acupuncture in modern dental practice.
Pain control and acupuncture.
Continuing homeopathy
Acupuncture pressure analgesia in dentistry.
Acupuncture and dentistry
Acupuncture at the University of Toronto.
A discussion on acupuncture with Dr. W.R. Dover.
Our attitudes towards acupuncture.
A clinical application of acupuncture anesthesia to oral surgery. II. (author's transl)
Studies on anesthetic acupuncture. Mainly on its anesthetic efficacy on dental pulp (author's transl)
Editorial: 1 plus 1 equals 1, 0 minus 1 equals 0.
Rickets, growth, and alkaline phosphatase in urban adolescents.
Acupuncture and the law.
The licensing of the acupuncture practitioner--a legislative perspective.
Proceedings: Fundamental studies on acupuncture-anesthesia. 2.
Acupuncture--a study of its theories, techniques and practice.
Manual medicine and rheumatology (author's transl)
Acupuncture in heroin withdrawal.
Antibody response to cannabis.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Letter: Activation of cutaneous herpes by acupuncture.
Acupuncture in rheumatic disease.
Editorial: On restriction of acupuncture practice.
Drug testing in electro-acupuncture
Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia by acupuncture anesthesia
Prolonged hypalgesia following "acupuncture" in monkeys.
Chinese acupuncture in Italy.
Chiropractic and Public Law 92-603.
Acupuncture and its role in modern medicine.
Acupuncture for pain relief, a double-blind, self-controlled study.
Minnesota's first homeopath: William H. Leonard, M.D.
Acupuncture: some considerations for the control of pain in dentistry.
The effect of alprenolol in elderly patients with raised blood pressure.
Alprenolol in hypertension.
Acupuncture. An ancient art in modern society.
Acupuncture analgesia in the People's Republic of China--with glimpses of other aspects of Chinese medicine. Report from a Norwegian medical study group.
Mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia.
2 Hungarian journals of homeopathy in the 60-s and 70-s of the 19th century
Squill in ancient and medieval materia medica, with special reference to its employment for dropsy.
Squill in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Effect of marihuana and placebo-marihuana smoking on angina pectoris.
Clinical evaluation of acupuncture.
Urographic contrast media reactions and anxiety.
Pancreatitis and the lungs.
The cerebral blood-flow-volume in patients with sclerotic changes after treatment with raubasin (Lamuran)
A new Soviet-made hypotensive preparation, rauvakan
Dermatology and history in Wales (Cymru).
Early uses of acupuncture in the United States, with an addendum (1826) by Franklin Bache, M.D.
The members of the vegetarian society. Lithograph by Cham (1853).
Evolution of basic theories in manual therapy (author's transl)
Cannabis indica in 19th-century psychiatry.
Report of the New York State Commission on Acupuncture.
The Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome anno 1973.
Acute and chronic pulmonary heart disease
Acupuncture for pain relief.
Analgesic effects of acupuncture on the pain of ice water: a double-blind study.
Cannabidiol interferes with the effects of delta 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol in man.
Editorial: American acupuncture.
My views on acupuncture
Acupuncture therapeutics.
Letter: Cannabidiol and electroencephalographic epileptic activity.
A brief outline of Chinese medical history with particular reference to acupuncture.
The uses of an epidemiology of drug use: the Canadian scene.
The Western World's first detailed treatise on acupuncture: Willem Ten Rhijne's De acupunctura.
Letter: Acupuncture. Deutsches Arzteblatt, Oct 4, 1973 by R. Frey
T he disease of masturbation: values and the concept of disease.
Preliminary clinical study of acupuncture in rheumatoid arthritis.
Historic and ethnopharmacognosic insight into the belief and traditional practices in the treatment of sleeping sickness in West Africa
Society and rights of the mentally ill: a historical persepctive of the Chinese.
Introduction to acupuncture.
Personal control and acupuncture
Personal control and acupuncture
Meditation and marijuana.
Acupuncture for relief of chronic pain and surgical analgesia.
Psychotic reactions following cannabis use in East Indians.
Chromosome breakage in users of marihuana.
Don't get carried away by the needles.
Relationship between "strength of the nervous system" and the need for stimulation.
The relaxation response.
Aspiration pneumonia.
Management of premature infants with patent ductus arteriosus.
Editorial: Acupuncture anesthesia for open-heart surgery. A bona fide anesthetic agent or another form of suggestion?
Integrative action of thalamus in the process of acupuncture for analgesia.
A study of electrical stimulation of acupuncture locus tsusanli (St-36) on mesenteric microcirculation.
Acupuncture loci: techniques for location.
An electrical probe for the localization of superficial sensory nerves.
Experience with therapeutic abortion by D&C suction type under acupuncture analgesia.
Veterinary acupuncture.
Editorial: Does acupuncture work?
Letter: Nuchal infiltrations.
Letter: Pneumothorax from acupuncture.
An Indian healer's preventive medicine procedure.
Prescientific psychiatry in the urban setting.
Anesthesiology in the People's Republic of China.
Acupuncture anesthesia.
Veterinary acupuncture.
Medicine in China today.
Acupuncture and hypnotism: preliminary experiments--and a warning.
Induction of labor by acupuncture and electrical stimulation.
Acupuncture analgesia. A psychophysiological explanation.
Instruments for pediatric acupuncture.
Reluctance of rats to drink hashish suspensions: free-choice and forced consumption, and the effects of hypothalamic stimulation.
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta monitoring the pericardial space.
Acute effects of smoked marijuana and oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects.
Letter: Unimproved hearing after acupuncture.
Animal acupuncture in China.
DC electroconversion of patients with atrial fibrillation admitted to a coronary care unit.
Editorial: Acupuncture in sensorineural deafness.
Acupuncture as a treatment for sensorineural hearing loss.
Editorial: Acupuncture--a method to rely on?
'Acupuncture without needles' may offer new possibilities for relieving pain
Vertebral artery injury from chiropractic manipulation of the neck.
Drug use by U.S. Army enlisted men in Vietnam: a follow-up on their return home.
Acupuncture in a pain clinic.
Acupuncture in cranio-facial pain syndromes. Neurophysiological considerations
The efficacy of digitalis withdrawal in an institutional aged population.
A brief history of acupuncture.
Acupuncture analgesia. A. General considerations.
Acupuncture analgesia in brain and neck surgery.
Acupuncture analgesia in dentistry.
Acupuncture analgesia in chest and abdominal surgery.
Acupuncture analgesia in gynecology and obstetrics.
Acupuncture analgesia in veterinary surgery.
Acupuncture treatment.
Psychiatry in China.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Acute necrodegenerative hepatitis.
Health problems in South-East Asia (author's transl)
Letter: Acupuncture and multiple sclerosis.
The director generals of health and welfare answer questions about acupuncture. Special clinics and legitimation are refused. Inspections to prevent hepatitis
Dose-effect relations of marijuana smoking on various physiological parameters in experienced male users. Observations on limits of self-titration of intake.
Reduction in copulatory behavior of male rats following hashish injections.
Anticonvulsant activity of delta-8- and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in rats.
The African's concept of the causes and treatment of epilepsy and convulsions.
Letter: Investigating acupuncture.
Acupuncture for hearing loss. A study of patients treated in Washington, DC.
Cochleoneural hearing loss treated with acupuncture.
Automatic control of guinea-pig lice with a synergised pyrethrins aerosol.
Carcinoma of the large intestine in children.
Letter: Diet and colonic cancer.
Editorial: Acupuncture.
Psychiatry in the People's Republic of China.
Fever, vomiting, and liver dysfunction with procainamide therapy.
Myths and realities in international health planning.
Serum hepatitis associated with repeated acupunctures.
Editorial: Food revisionists.
Medicine in China: best of the old and the new.
Letter: Acupuncture analgesia.
Long-term use of marihuana and the development of tolerance or sensitivity to delta9 tetrahydrocannabinol.
Repeat administration of marihuana smoke to humans.
A physical theory of acupuncture anesthesia.
Acupuncture anesthesis: myth or reality?
Some aspects of the popular medicinal use of indigenous plants in the region of Concepción (Chile) (author's transl)
Digitalis intoxication provoked by "Wenchebach-capsules"
Common hearing disorders. Methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Effect of marihuana on the psychological refractory period.
Acupuncture anesthesia for open heart surgery. A case report.
Editorial: Acupuncture anesthesia for open heart surgery.
Uricosuric effect of anticholinergic agent in hyperuricemic subjects.
The nature of storage deficits and state-dependent retrieval under marihuana.
Actions of digitalis.
Vasodilator agents in peripheral arterial occlusive disease with coronary insufficiency, myocardial infarct and pacemakers. Electrocardiographic studies in intravenous naftidrofuryl-infusion
Vegetarian diets.
Interest in acupuncture grows, here is summary of official views in Michigan.
Editorial: Instant acupuncture for Nevada.
Acupuncture in Nevada.
Acupuncture and scientific medicine
Folk medicine and superstitions in Arabian ophthalmology
Functional aspects of C-scoliosis in infants
Hemodynamic structure of hypotensive effect in the treatment of elderly and old patients with arterial hypertension
Letter: Abuse of x-rays
Acute, subacute and 23-day chronic marihuana inhalation toxicities in the rat.
Anticonvulsant effects of cannabinoids in mice: drug interactions within cannabinoids and cannabinoid interactions with phenytoin.
Central implantation of cannabinoids: induction of epileptiform discharges.
Comparison among four vehicles and four routes for administering delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
Electrocardiographic and clinical observations of a recurrent tachyarrhythmia arising from a pacemaker within the distribution of the anterior fascicle.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Letter: Acupuncture.
Letter: Heroin withdrawal using ear acupuncture.
Prospective study on the occurrence and management of chronic sinoatrial disease, with follow-up.
Observations on the practice of anesthesia in the People's Republic of China.
The practice of acupuncture in China.
Proceedings: Two primitive urethral operations in Oceania: subincision in Australia and thoka-losi in Fiji and the Tonga islands.
Health and disease. Some topical problems of sociocultural transition.
Vegetarian diets.
Medical and surgical treatment of the cardiomyopathies.
Morphine and delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol: tolerance to the stimulus effects.
Clinical and experimental studies of acupuncture anesthesia (in oral surgery and tooth extraction)
Clinical experience of mammary tumor resection with acupuncture
Experimental study of electric acupuncture anesthesia
Plasma levels after a single oral dose of proscillaridin.

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