Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Psycho-opera: A new concept combining opera and psychodrama

Author(s): Klein, Tobi

Journal/Book: Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. 1974; 27: 204-211.

Abstract: Describes how psycho-opera emerged, its theoretical rationale, and its value as a form of therapy. It stresses singing rather than speech as a form of communication, and uses humor to encourage having a good time in a group. The psychomusical drama centers around 4 themes: group participation, a social theme which crystallizes as the opera, an emphasis on individuality, and the idea of spontaneous leadership arising from the group. Topics discussed include structural processes, training of the director, the role of the opera leader, and the role of the assistants. A typical psycho-opera session is described.

Note: theoretical rationale & therapeutic value & major themes of group participation & individuality & spontaneous leadership; psycho opera

Keyword(s): Psychodrama ; music therapy

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