Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
February 2025

(Adolescence and beat music.)

Journal/Book: Psyche, Stuttgart. 1973; 27: 643-657.

Abstract: Suggests 4 hypotheses on the positive functions of beat music in crises of adolescence and narcissism and presents a case report as an example. The hypotheses are that (a) the loud sound of beat offers the possibility to preserve self-continuity and helps to compensate for adolescent depersonalization trends; (b) the screaming yells of the bandleader provide a way to identify simultaneously with father, mother, and crying baby ("grandiose self"); (c) beat music symbolizes protest and thereby assists in the struggle for finding one's identity; and (d) beat music facilitates the integration of the homosexual ideal. (English summary) (25 ref)

Note: Using Smart Source Parsing Jul beat music functions; crises of adolescence & narcissism; case report

Keyword(s): Psychoanalytic interpretation; adolescent development; narcissism ; case report; music

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