Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1969

Zur Arbeit von Hans-Theodor Koch, Dr. Wilhelm Reil-Bey (1820-1880). Ein abtr�nniger "Homöopath als Balneologe in Aegypten". In: "Medizinhistorisches Journal", 1968, Bd. 3, Heft 2, S. 101-113.
Dr. Wilhelm Reil-Bey (1820-1880), ein abtr�nniger Homöopath! (Erwiderung auf die Diskussionsbemerkung von Hein Henne).
The lady with the snake in her.
Folk medicine in colonial North Carolina as found in Dr. John Brickell's Natural History.
Folk medicine in the writings of Rowland Robinson.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Powwowing in Berks County.
Folklore of pregnancy: wives' tales in Contra Costa County, California.
Not Available
Not Available
Sterility and fertility rites in the African tradition
Treatment results with N-(n-propyl)-ajmaline hydrogen tartrate
Treatment of malignant ovarian tumors with Proresid
Oral treatment of arrhythmia with Pulsnorma
Clinical significance and treatment of disorders of the cardiac rhythm in patients with myocardial infarct
Antifibrillation drugs in tachycardial arrythmia
Dietary fibre and serum-lipids.
Changes in the synovial fluid following intra-articular injections of Proresid
Therapy of arrhythmia in children
Clinical use of psychotherapeutic drugs: current status.
Traction compared with chiropractic treatment
On the therapy of lumbar intervertebral disk displacement
Birth stones and phallic rock
Specific therapy of extrapyramidal-motor syndromes
Modern cultism.
Studies on additional Iscador therapy in the management of women with surgically and radiotherapeutically treated genital carcinoma
The two kinds of doctor.
Digestive intolerance to cereal flour in adults and its prevention by a new method of flour predigestion
Traditional healers and their female clients: an aspect of Nigerian sickness behavior.
The hierarchy of resort in curative practices: the Admiralty Islands, Melanesia.
Urban illness: physicians, curers and dual use in Bogota.
Relations between the skin and endocrine glands
Prevalence of generally not accepted therapeutic procedures in free practice. Result of a second poll
Medical-legal problems of Illinois physicians. Medical Practice Act.
Hypotensive drugs. I.
Treatment of heart rhythm disorders in general practice
Medical management of parkinsonian syndrome.
2d World Congress on Acupuncture
Treatment of disorders of the heart rhythm in general practice
Current anti-arrhythmia agents--methods of administration
Supplemental effect of beta-aescin by vasodilator agents
Significance of ichthyol in gynecology
Observations on native medicine in North Yemen
Use, association and contraindications of hypotensive drugs
Marijuana in medicine: past, present and future.
Hallucinogens of plant origin.
Drug dependency. Investigations of stimulants and depressants.
A new cicatrizing, antivagal and antacid association in the therapy of gastroduodenal ulcer
Psychotropic drugs in children. Pharmacotherapy as an adjunct to counseling or psychotherapy.
HEW study just released concludes chiropractor can't provide quality care.
Nonhormonal treatment of the menopausal syndrome. A double-blind evaluation of an autonomic system stabilizer.
The Vietnam legend on the destiny in medicine
The Bonapartes and homeopathy
The influence of Rauwolfia serpentina crude root on the fasting blood sugar.
Witches trials in Poland in the 18th century
Proresid in the treatment of cancer of upper respiratory tract
Biochemistry of inflammation and edema formation as well as pharmacokinetics of aescin
The effect of 1-hyoscyamine on gastric secretion of acid and pepsin in man.
Plant remedies in the prescriptions of the house book of Unico Manninga
Physiology and pharmacology of belladonna therapy in acid-peptic disease.
An old periodical from Nyiregyháza: Természetgyógyasz (Nature-healing--1874-1875)
Chemotherapy of the drug-resistant malarias.
Clinical trials of an association of a choleretic (1-morpholinoacetyl-3-phenyl-4-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinazoline hydrochloride), (Rec 14-0127) and phenolphthalein and belladonna extract
Gandhi and public health. On the 100th anniversary of the Mahatma (Oct. 2, 1969)
Oral therapy of venous blood circulation disorders from the industrial medical viewpoint
Drug addiction in children and adolescents
Ophthalmic drugs. 38
Hyposensitisation in grass pollen hay fever. A double blind trial of alumn precipitated pollen extract and depot emulsion pollen extract compared with placebo injections.
The first botanical gardens and the first teachers in the art of herbalism in Italy
Magic and empiric-magic medicine in ancient and modern Sicily
The notion of the prevention of disease in the African traditional thinking.
Changes in skin-sensitizing antibody titer after injections of aqueous pollen extract.
Hypersensitivity responses in monkeys. 3. The influence of various tranquilizers and other drugs on immediate skin reactions.
Studies on DRA in the ambulatory treatment of venous diseases
The treatment of functional and emotional symptoms in patients with gastrointestinal disorders.
Specific range of action of a new gerontotherapeutic agent. Psychopharmacological and therapeutic study
Effect of toxemia therapy on uterine dynamics.
Action of amphetamine and an aqueous pollen extract on muscle fatigue in mice
Psychopharmacological activity of the active constituents of hashish and some related cannabinoids.
Persistent atrial standstill in a family with myocardial dease.
Results of the treatment of cardiovascular symptoms with Cardiopon
The relevance of Yoruba medicine men in public health practice in Nigeria.
Cytostatic treatment of genital carcinoma
Human paleopathology and some diseases in living primitive societies: a review of the recent literature.
Diagnosis and treatment of ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia
Rhodesia--behind the scenes.
Our clinical experiences with the preparation Regasinum Cardiale
Homeopathy--the constituants
Homeopathic therapy in tooth, mouth and jaw diseases
Notions, indispensable for the practice of homeopathy: the drainage
On drug therapy of edemas following maxillofacial surgery
The Rhode Island general assembly--1969. A sorry record.
Homeopathy and acupuncture. Lip ulcerations and mouth diseases
Oral application of Vasokastan in surgical interventions on the maxillofacial region
Homeopathy and acupuncture. Mouth diseases and lip affections
Proresid in surgical treatment of maxillofacial neoplasms
Diagnosis of focal infection using the electroacupuncture
A rational approach to desensitization.
Homeopathy and acupuncture: mouth and lip diseases
Chemotherapy of stomatologic cancers
Reparil in the therapy of post-traumatic inflammation of the maxillofacial region
Homeopathy and dental care
Acupuncture as a remedy for oral and dental diseases
Nutritional osteomalacia.
On the treatment of rheumatic conditions in metabolic diseases using Dexamed-Butazone
A frequently overlooked diagnosis, causes and consequences
Child health in Singapore. Traditional practices and their effects.
Some strategies of non-physical aggression in other cultures.
Gastric acid secretion in patients with duodenal ulcer treated for one year with anticholinergic drugs.
Vertebral manipulations and vertebro-basilar thrombosis
Cannabis metabolites in urine after oral administration.
Problems in combined radio-cytostatic therapy. 7. Syncarcinolytic studies using 5-fluorouracil, natulan and proresid in Crocker sarcoma 180 of mice
Viburcol in pediatrics
Study of gastric secretion with reference to pregnancy in Indian women.
Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in an infant.
Combination treatment of pulmonary metastasis using radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Controlled clinical research on ketoscilium, a new parasympatholytic
Giant condylomata of Buschke and Lowenstein.
Drug therapy of arrhythmias
Patterns of plasma cobalamins in control subjects and in cases of vitamin B12 deficiency.
Pathogenesis and prognosis of hypnotics addiction
The efficacy of acupuncture of the shoulder girdle zone in the treatment of insomnia
Salivation as a physiological indicator of introversion.
Pharmacotherapy of arrhythmia
Traditional attitudes towards measles in the Republic of Mali.
A case of ventricular tachycardia treated successfully with ajmaline
Resistance formation in the cytostatic treatment of carcinomas
Homeopathic therapy of varicose conditions and associated edemas
To observe but not to perceive.
Haematological values of school children in different socio-economic groups.
Antimicrobial activity of selected Niegerian folk remedies and their constituent plants.
Pathogenesis and therapy of enuresis in children
Tegumentary stimulation therapy. 1. Acupuncture stimulations
Sociological aspects of ambulatory neuroleptic therapy in Italy
Female circumcision
Diagnostic and therapeutic significance of ajmaline in the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Clinical findings and prognosis of arrhythmias during the 1st month of life
Electrolyte metabolism in hypertensive disease in the process of treatment with different hypotensive drugs
Archaic psychotherapy
Treatment of bronchial asthma patients by the acureflexoytherapy method
Level and dynamics of blood pressure at various vascular zones in patients with hypertension
Partially rational thought patterns
Chronic bronchitis, atmospheric contamination and tobacco
Clinical use of podophyllinic acid ethylhydrazide (SP-I) and podophyllotoxin-beta-o-benzyliden-glucoside (SP-G) in malignant urologic tumors
Pharmacological studies on herb paeony root. IV. Analysis of therapeutic effects of paeony- and licorice-containing frequent prescriptions in Chinese medicine and comparison with effects of experimental pharmacological tests
Cardiotonic effect of proscillaridine
Therapy of the slightly damaged heart with a cardiotonic agent
Essaven treatment of varicose veins in pregnancy
Glycoside therapy. Contribution from general practice
"Rhustox" (homeopathic drug) for foot and mouth disease.
The uptake and release of proscillaridin-3H by several tissues of the guinea pig after oral administration.
Therapy of cardiac insufficiency with prosillaridin with special reference to chronic pulmonary heart disease
Emergencies due to spinal injuries and especially of the cervical spine. Possibilities of the use of Escin
Medicine of Andean Indians
Clinical evaluation of Acacia catechu, Willd. (Khadira) in the treatment of lepromatous leprosy.
Escine in the treatment of edema in paraplegic patients
Recent peroral therapy of the varicose symptom complex
Experience with horse chestnut containing medium in the treatment of varicose leg ulcers
Clinical experimentation with a new cardioactive combination: Teostellarid
Effect of intravenous injection of marihuana.
Wound healing of episiotomies during follow-up therapy using aescin
Cytostatic and antimetabolite therapy in chronic inflammatory joint diseases and collagen diseases
Cocaism and cocainism
Blocking antibodies in allergic rhinitis.
Cassia in the Senegalese pharmacopeia. Use in traditional medicine, chemistry and pharmacology
Adrenal ascorbic acid content of rats after different rauwolfia alkaloids.
Evaluation of immunosuppressive therapy with podophyllin derivatives in the treatment of primary chronic polyarthritis
Changes in the electrolytic picture and in the glucidic metabolism in the course of treatment with an hypotensive combination of hypertensive patients with peripheral arteriopathies
Therapy of glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Treatment of non-epileptic or vegetative seizures
Therapy of extrapyramidal-motor symptoms. Drug treatment
Escarine (reparyl) in the lumbosciatic block
Effects of aescin on the breast engorgement
Plasmatic turnover and effect on ventricular ejection time (delta I.T.E.) and on the R-1 lead time of the apex cardiogram (t-delta A.C.G.), of proscillaridine A-H 3, intravenously inoculated, in non-compensated cor pulmonale
Glimpses from the history of medicine in Hawaii
Cooperation in health problems between Africa and Afro-America. Highlights of the culture: a possible approach.
Treatment of osteoarthritis by manual therapy.
Hiccip-induced atrioventricular block.
Peripheral hemodynamic criteria and blood flow stimulating vasoactive drugs in healthy persons and in patients with arterial obstruction of the extremities
Acquired linear naevus showing histological features of keratosis follicularis.
Cantharidin poisoning. Three case reports.
Traditional beliefs about measles and its treatment among the Bambara of Mali.
Hypnosis in Ethiopian psychiatry.
On chiropractic therapy
Relations of the palm-chin reflex and distant points of acupuncture (HE-GU) to the facilitation of facial muscles
Factory physician and bronchitis
Clinical experiences with a new combination antihypertensive agent (DCR 515)
Treatment of "hypertensive encephalopathy" (accelerated hypertension). I.
"Acupuncture" of the myocardium in coronary diseases
The treatment of primary chronic polyarthritis with immunosuppressive cytostatic podophyllin derivatives
Di-mono-chloroacetyl-ajmaline in the treatment of disorders of cardiac rhythm
Growing opposition to chiropractic.
The effects of hash.
Acute volvulus of the cecum.
Conservative treatment of arterial occlusions
Gastric ulcers. What must be the doctor's attitude in the face of a gastric niche?
Differential diagnostic evaluations and clinical experiences in a chiropractically oriented rural practice
A study of the spectrum of the anti-arrhythmic effect of N-propyl-ajmalin bromide
Ambulatory therapy of hypertension during pregnancy
Elimination of tritium-labelled cannabinols in the rat with special reference to the development of tests for the identification of cannabis users.
Metabolic and hypotensive effects of a new rauwolfia-thiazide combination.
On the antiarrhythmic effect of ajmaline in cardiac surgery
The prevention of arrhythmias in acute myocardial infarct. Use of ajmaline in continuous phleboclysis and of oral disopyramide
An investigation into the efficacy of Ocimum gratissimum as used in Nigerian native medicine.
Experimental transventricular revascularization of the myocardium
Comparative evaluation of Rauwolfia whole root and reserpine.
Some points of medical jurisprudence in the United States
Acute renal failure in Central Africa. The toxic effects of traditional African medicine.
Experience with the "ideal diet"
Report on experiences with a new anti-asthmatic agent
Ajmalin in the treatment of pseudoventricular and ventricular tachycardias
Factors in the prediction of successful vaginal repair of vesico-vaginal fistulae.
Modifying elevated blood pressure: a practical office approach.
On the problem of the conservative treatment of gastric ulcer collosum
Ajmaline, an alkaloid of Rauwolfia serpentina, in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
The prognosis in long term treated and "untreated" essential hypertension.
Reflex therapy of pigmented degeneration of the retina
Evaluation of immunosuppressive therapy with podophyllin derivatives in the treatment of primary chronic polyarthritis
Myocardial revascularization by transmyocardial acupuncture. A physiologic impossibility.
Chemical studies on the oriental plant drugs. XXII. Some new constituents of licorice root. (2). Glycyrol, 5-O-methylglycyrol and isoglycyrol.
The complex treatment of patients affected with papillomatosis of the larynx and trachea.
Placebo effect in obstetrics and gynecology
General measurements, physiotherapy and drug therapy of primary varicosis
Clinical experiences with Theo-Caradrin in cardiac insufficiency
Posttherapeutic trigeminal neuralgia after herpes zoster
On the effect of aescin and flavonoid complex from horse chestnut on inflammatory edema
Experiences with the clinical use of proscillaridin A
On internal treatment of congestive dermatoses and of edema of the lower leg
ECG studies of the resorption quota of the heart affecting glycosides
Development of aggressive behavior in rats by chronic administration of Cannabis sativa (marihuana).
Practical experiences with the vein tonic Marron in the treatment of venous circulatory disorders
A new method for the treatment of renal and ureteral calculi colic
Varicose syndrome in the daily practice
Rational glycoside treatment
Hypotensive dysregulation and its treatment
The effect of Raufuncton on the blood pressure of hypotensive patients
Foreign body granuloma caused by a broken silver needle for acupuncture
Current problems of the clinical use of cardiac glycosides
Foreign bodies (acupucture needles) in the kidney combined with a stone: report of a case
On the prevention of thrombosis with aesculus extract
Treatment of venopathies of the lower extremities
Chiropractic CONDEMNED.
Catnip and related psychedelic compounds.
Studies on triethyltin sulfate induced brain edema in rats. 1. Changes of the water content of the brain substances and their therapeutic modification by aescin
Studies on triethyltin sulfate induced brain edema in rats. 2. Effect of aescin on the mortality
Studies on triethyltin sulfate induced brain edema in rats. 3. Damage of the function of the central nervous system and therapeutic effect of aescin
Studies on triethyltin sulfate induced brain edema in rats. 4. Electronoptic studies
Effect of vein-active drugs on venous obstruction edema or post-thrombotic syndrome
Comparative studies on the effect of dipyridamole, oxyfedrine, ajmaline, propranolol and verapamil on the hypothermic fibrillation threshold of guinea pigs
At your own risk: the case against chiropractic.
Orthopaedics, physiotherapy and chiropractic.
Marihuana and simulated driving.
Theoretical basis and technics of Chinese acupuncture

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