Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
March 2025

Bibliography — Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) — 1968

A study of the use of madstones in Oklahoma.
Local plants in folk remedies in the Mammoth Cave region.
Folklore from the printed sources of Essex County, Massachusetts.
Magical transference of disease in Texas folk medicine.
Liver function tests in patients on oral progestogens.
The role of homoeopathic medicine in the National Health Service.
Homoeopathy in the N.H.S.
Death after vegan diet.
Death after vegan diet.
Treatment of arrhythmia with ajmalin and procainamide
On the intravenous Reparil therapy
Treatment of arrhythmia in myocardial infarct
Modern pharmaceutical preparations of plant origin
Tumor-host relations in the comprehension of chemotherapeutic effects
On the therapy of skin and veneral diseases. Review of the literature 1965-66
"Haven-gel"--a new local agent for the prevention and therapy of varicose veins
3-Year experience in the treatment with several arrhythmias with ritmos (ajmalin)
Dependence of the intestinal efficiency rate of cardiac glycosides on the applied dose
Spinal manipulation in medical practice: a century of ignorance.
Indications for and techniques of spinal manipulation.
Cases discharged "A.O.R." A study of 110 cases in Kulim district hospital.
Intolerance to sunlight of persons with normal sensitivity to ultraviolet rays
Antacid effect of a magnesium trisilicate-1-hyoscyamine combination preparation (Neoplex B)--clinical and function analytical studies
On the reactivity of skin arterioles in hypertension under the influence of histamine
On the treatment of endocrinous crises
The Bonapartes and homeopathy
Cerebral edema. Therapeutic considerations
Thin-layer chromatography and U. V. absorption of homeopathic drugs. I. Studies of lpecac mother tincture.
Recent experiences in the treatment of arrhythmias
Treatment of hypertension with quateron and Rauwolfia serpentina compounds
Treatment of hypertrophic warts with Gordeev-2 paste and solution
Medical therapy of arterial hypertension
Kukukuku: medical patrol into one of the last restricted areas in the New Guinea highlands.
The pharmacology of parkinsonism (a review).
Oral treatment of arrhythmia and angina pectoris with Pulsnorma in health resort patients
Psychopharmaca in modern medicine
Control of arterial hypertension through the synergism of a central hypotensor (rescinnamine) and a vasotropic drug (trimetazidine)
Pain and pain therapy in neurology
Pharmacological effects of two active constituents of marihuana.
Giants of Paumanok.
The eye diagnosis and its apostle in Sweden. Nils Liljequist
Accommodation and vergence.
On the history of oral therapy of diabetes
Parameters of arthritis activity in double-blind studies on pollen therapy in rheumatoid arthritis
Clinical and laboratory observations on the use of a combination of methyclothiazide and deserpidine in treatment of essential hypertension.
Recent advances in the medical and surgical treatment of hypertension.
Presidental address.
Ajmaline--a new drug for cardac arrhythmias. (Collective review)
A nomad physician: Pietro Orlandini, and his strange method of treatment: the cutaneous acupuncture
Medical affairs in the Zamość municipal books. The drawbacks of the reciprocal relations between surgeons at the turn of 17th and 18th century
From the history of Indian magic plants
Old and new: disease in Manicaland fifty years ago, as described by an educated African, with special reference to essential thrombocytopenia.
Clinical evaluation of three long-acting anticholinergic compounds.
Drug therapy of arrhythmia--its therapeutic and adverse effects
Influence of pathology in the development of medicine in Spain and Latin America
The serpents of the staff of Aesculapius
History of vertebral manipulation. Development of ideas
Clinical action of an original hypotensive combination
Pargyline hydrochloride, methyclothiazide, and deserpidine in therapy of hypertension and prevention of "cheese reaction".
Continuous surveillance of patients in the initial stages of myocardial infarct
Long-term chemotherapy for cancer of the lung.
New possibilities in the management of venous perfusion disorders
Sudden death caused by unexpected ventricular fibrillation in acute myocardial infarct. Reflexions on 5 cases with prolonged survival
On the pathogenesis and drug therapy of the varicose syndrome
Experimental investigations on the regulation of the blood circulation of the spinal cord. II. The influence of vaso-active substances on the haemodynamics of the spinal cord under physiological conditions.
The case against chiropractic.
Menstrual practices of the Amandebele people in the Essexvale area.
Correspondence: injection therapy.
Correspondence: repository therapy in ragweed hay fever.
Homeopathy and acupuncture. The possibilities of homeopathy in cardiac diseases. Preparation of the patient for odonto-stomatologic interventions
Clinical findings in podophyllotoxin derivatives (SP-I-SP-G) in malignant tumors
Sedative premedication for dental implantation
Acupuncture in treatment of periodontitis and stomatitis
Anatomical investigations on the ganglio-cisternal complex of the trigeminal nerve
Effects of verbal suggestion on the response of the parotid gland to taste stimuli
The treatment and prevention of the cardiac arrhythmias.
Homeopathy and acupuncture. Treatment of hemorrhages in general medicine and in odonto-stomatology
The position of rheumatologists in regard to functional rehabilitation (spine and peripheral joints)
Clinical laboratory study of essential hypertension patients treated with a methylclothiazide deserpidine combination
Considerations on the use of Proresid (SPI-SPG Sandoz) as an adjuvant in the treatment of tumors (preliminart communication)
Data on the use of a sodium salt of escin in herpes zoster
Methylclothizide-deseppidine combination in the management of patients with essential arterial hypertension
Therapeutic effects of podophyllin derivatives on malignant neoplasms
Drug use in psychiatric disorders of children.
Organization of medical education to meet the changing needs of society. Educational objectives, curriculum structure, the student and teacher.
The therapeutic process in cross-cultural perspective - a symposium. Fragments from a Navaho ceremonial.
Effects of intracerebroventricular l-hyoscyamine, ethybenztropine and procaine on cardiac arrhythmias induced in dogs by pentylenetetrazol, picrotoxin or deslanoside.
Morphologic effects of cytotoxic drugs on tumor cells.
Angle-closure glaucoma: following peripheral iridectomy and mydriasis.
On the use ofa ajmaline as an adjuvant in the therapy and prevention of arrhythmias during digitalic treatment
Treatment of functional disorders: a comparative study.
Tropical gynaecology. Birth-canal injuries.
Marihuana induced hallucinations.
Hypnosis and acupuncture. 8
The treatment of heart rhythm disorders with Gilurytmal (ajmalin)
Medical services to the aborigines in West Malaysia.
On the effect of combined therapy with SP-I Sandoz and radiation in experimental sarcoma 37 in mice
Ajmalin in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in children
Suppression of ectopic beats by ajmaline in a patient with artificial heart pacemaker.
Diet and serum cholersterol levels. A comparision between vegetarians and nonvegetarians in a Seventh-day Adventist group.
Decrease in neonatal mortality through treatment of essential hypertension in pregnant women
Self-induced protein-calorie malnutrition in a healthy adult male. A study of plasma proteins, free amino acids and lipids.
Botanicas and spiritualism in a metropolis.
Lymphangiokeratoma of the penis.
Use of the pacemaker with intravenous electrode in the treatment of atrio-ventricular block
Atropine excitation of esophageal smooth muscle.
Chemotherapy of bronchila cancer. Monotherapy and combination therapy
Treatment of paroxysmal tachycardia with ajmaline
The failures of physical medicine in rheumatology
Further studies in multiple transmyocardial acupuncture as a method of myocardial revascularization.
Effect of podophyllum products S.P.I.&S.P.G. on malignant diseases.
On the combined use of adonis vernalis with cardiac glycosides and strophanthin derivatives in treating patients with circulatory insufficiency
Paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis. A family study and review of the literature.
Objective evaluation of drug effects on the vein tonus and vein capacity by means of vein occlusion rheography
Influence of diuretic drugs on the cerebrospinal fluid in cranial trauma
Experimental studies on the effectiveness of aescin "Reparil" in Parkinson patients
Tolerance to chronic administration of Cannabis sativa (marihuana) in rats.
Clinical experimental studies with the heart glycoside, proscillaridin, with special reference to its enteral resorption rate
Prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative and posttraumatic edema in the jaw and face region
Pharmacologic light protection
Immunologic changes during hyposensitization therapy.
Co-seasonal prick desensitization in summer hay fever.
Treatment with "allpyral" pollen extracts in highly sensitive hayfever patients.
Cockroaches and cherry stones.
Immunosuppressive treatment of progressive chronic polyarthritis. Experiences with an antimitotic drug from the podophyllin series (Proresid)
The fatty acid composition in serum of norwegian vegetarians.
Effect of escin on the experimental cerebral edema in rats
Treatment of rhythm disorders during heart catheterization of children
A clinical evaluation of repository therapy in Great Britain: seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Efficacy of maize silk in acute hemolytic anemia accompanied with hemoglobinuria. Report of 30 cases.
Our observations on the effect of Gilurytmal in the cardiosurgery
Apropos of a case of carcinoma of the ovary
The belladonna drugs.
The neglected and mistakenly evaluated x-ray picture in fractures and dislocations
Condylomata acuminata and podophyllin
Drug therapy in the management of gastrointestinal complaints.
Hypnosis and acupuncture. XII
Clinical data on the sue of ajmaline in some periodic arrhythmias
Unfulfilled expectations and the third approach.
Immunosuppressive agents in multiple sclerosis. Preliminary trials with Proresid
Report on the treatment of ocular blood circulation disorders with raubasin
Effect of podophyllin acid ethyl hydrazide associated with x-rays on a solid isologous tumor in C3H mice
Age dependent ajmaline effect on type change in the electrocardiogram
Ajmaline (hydrochloride). Ajmalinum hydrochloridum
Induced blood circulation and diuresis as intensive treatment in acute poisoning
Plasma iron turnover before and following cytostatic therapy and its signifiance as indicator of tumor activity
Fibrilation threshold curves and anti-arrhythmic drugs.
Hypnosis and acupuncture. IX
Changes in eosinophils after acupuncture of the meridian of the liver
Hypnosis and acupuncture. 13. Summary and comments.
Experiences from an out-patient department for drug addicts in Göteborg.
Rum with creosote
Hypnosis and acupuncture. 13. (conclusion). Summary and comments
Fourteen-year survival in a case of malignant hypertension under hypotensive drug therapy.
Be red vanguards to implement Chairman Mao's revolutionary medical and health line.
Gombak Hospital.
Medical education in India.
Acupuncture and hypnosis. X
The cervical spine and otorhinolaryngologic diseases
Audiometric evaluation of results of manipulative therapy of the cervical spine
Our problems of the future.
The effect of Proresid on the growth and formation of metastases of the RBI-sarcoma in rats
The practice of variolation among the Songhai of Mali.
Mastocytosis treated with l-hyoscyamine (Egazil).
Treatment of hypertension. 3. Antihypertensive agents affecting catecholamine metabolism
Medical therapy of arterial hypertension
A complex of medication for maintaining visual function in glaucoma
A study of some prevalent customs and beliefs for the health and wellbeing of children in Jabalpur area.
Folk curing with a psychedelic cactus in the north coast of Peru.
Medicine of the Mayans and Aztacs
Changes in external respiration in patients with hypertensive disease under the influence of treatment
Cancer of the esophagus: treatment with the cytostatic agents SP-G and SP-I
Hypnosis and acupuncture. XI. Uncomfortable questions
A clinico-physiologic analysis of the effect of acupuncture on pain
Treatment of ectopic rhythms with intravenous ajmaline
Remote results of treatment of kraurosis vulvae with biogenic stimulators
The application of acupuncture in disease of the facial nerve
Treatment of vibration disease with acupuncture
Treatment of stabilized auricular fibrillation with venous infusion of ajmaline in high doses combined with potassium aspartate
Use of slow acting pollen extract with alunpyridine for the treatment of pollinosis in children
Effect of cytostatics on tumor cells
Acupuncture and hypnosis. IX
Pain clinic for whiplash injuries. (4). Combined therapy of Oriental medicine
Proscillaridin A in the therapy of decompensated heart diseases
Additional results of the management of chronic occlusive conditions and their sequellae using Reparil
Pain clinic for whiplash syndrome. 5.
Prolonged intravenous administration of cardiotonics to pregnant women with heart disease
Experiences with a topical therapeutic agent against varicose veins
Conservative treatment of venous diseases
On the use of Proscillaridine A in heart diseases in aged subjects
The association of proscillaridine and theophylline in the treatment of heart diseases in the senile age
Studies on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of aescin as demonstrated in brain edema
Clinical experiences with Cardiopon, a cardiovascular system stimulating agent
Clinical experience with the association of proscillaridine and hydroxyethyltheophylline (Teo-Talusin)
Experiences with Reparil. Iontophoretic, phonophoretic and oral application
The aching leg and its treatment from the viewpoint of the general practicioner
Aescin in ambulant and stationary orthopedic patients
Comparative clinical studies of scillaglycoside A and k-strophanthin
Current therapy of the varicose symptom complex in practice
Pain treatment in cervical syndrome
Clinical testing of Dexamed-Butazone
On the therapy of thrombophlebitis and related conditions
Drug therapy of circulatory disorders in old age
On the treatment of posttraumatic symptoms
Intravenous proscillaridin A in cardiotonic therapy of the senile heart
3 years' experience in the use of proscillaridine A in over 1,000 patients
Cardioactive therapy with proscillaridine A
Use of escin (Reparil) in gestosis and eclampsia
Clinical observations on the use of a combination of proscillaridin and theophylline in the treatment of the senile heart and chronic cor pulmonale
Treatment of seasonal respiratory allergy with alum precipitated pyridine extract incorporating pollen and spores.
On repository therapy of grass hay fever: a seven years' experience.
Prevention of experimental arthritis with the cytostatic agent podophyllinic acid ethylhydrazide
On the mechanism of resumption of sinus rhythm in chronic atrial fibrillation. (Clinical contribution)
The interaction between the Middle Eastern and Western systems of medicine.

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