Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
October 2024

Genetic Background of Circadian Rhythms

Journal/Book: Nature Vol. 220 December 14 1968. 1968;

Abstract: Barcal R. Sova J. Ist Medical Clinic Medical Faculty Charles University Plzen. CIRCADIAN rhythms1-3 have not yet been investigated in twins. The mathematical methods used in one-phase examinations of twins-variance analysis4 5 cross-twin analysis or intra-subject correlation-are not suitable for expressing the concordance or a certain biological phenomenon in time between the individuals of separate twin pairs. We have therefore tried to devise a method of our own suitable both for the basal physiologecal research of medical geneties ans for the study of biological rhythms for example in human biometeorology. Various parameters were recorded for eight pairs of male twins aged between 20 and 21 of which four were monozygotic (MZ) and four were dizigotic (DZ) during a stay of 4-5 weeks at the First Medical Clinic Charles University. At four hourly intervals (from 0400 h to 2400 h) wemeasured pulse and respiration rate; subaxillar and skin body temperature; first fourth and fifth phases of arterial blood pressure wave P and T in the second bipolar extremity leadof the electrocardiogram (ECG) curve; ... schö

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