Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
December 2024

Chemische Wertbestimmung der Glykoside eines pflanzlichen Herz-Kreislaufmittels

Journal/Book: Arzneimittelforschung. 1965; 15: 493-503.

Abstract: The author describes the determination of the chemical values pertaining to glycosides as present in the cardiovascular agent Miroton® and in the herbal extracts (perpurates) used in its manufactüre, viz. Scilla maritima L., var. alba, Convallaria majalis L., Nerium oleander L. and Adonis vernalis L. (Scilla-Perpurat, Knoll", Conoallaria-Perpurat ®Â„Knoll", Oleander-Perpurat® „Knoll" and Adonis-Perpurat® „Knoll"). The methods used were chromatographic - mainly thinlayer chromatography according to E. S t a h l.For the determination of flavone glycosides and flavone glycosyl compounds, it proved expedient to precipitate them as their lead salts from the extracts and to analyse them separately.In all, the presence of 49 steroid glycosides, 4 flavonol glycosides and 3 flavone glycosyl compounds was chromatographically demonstrable in Miroton.

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