Proceedings of the annual convention |
Note: 53017016 0069-1267 Title varies slightly. Presidential Address: The Millennium, Christ, and the Academy: Thoughts on John Paul II's Challenge -- The Church and the Eucharist -- A Response to Mary Collins -- The Eucharist and Popular Religiosity -- A Response to Gary Macy -- The Eucharist and Ministerial Leadership -- A Response to John F. Baldovin -- The Church and the Eucharist -- The Eucharist and Popular Religiosity -- The Eucharist and Ministerial Leadership -- Ave Verum Corpus: Music and the Eucharist -- Common Ground Project-State of the Question -- Reflections on the Synods and the Upcoming Synod for America -- Women and the Eucharist -- jak. A Discussion on Eucharistic Theology in Jean-Luc Marion's God without Being -- Congar and Christian Worship -- Alternatives to Dissent? Seeking Responsible and Constructive Approaches -- The Fundamental Character of the Local Eucharistic Worshipping Community -- Ethics and the Eucharist -- Ethical, Theological, and Legal Issues in Human Germline Therapy -- La Eucaristia en las comunidades de base de America Latina -- Interreligious Friendship as a New Theological Virtue -- Parish Councils: Whose Interpretation of Vatican II Was Right?-- jak. Catholic Social Teaching -- Christology -- Comparitive Theology -- Early Christian Theology -- Ecclesiology -- Hispanic/Latino Theologies -- Medieval Theology -- Method in Theology -- Moral Theology -- Noth American Contextual Theology -- Karl Rahner Society/Hans Urs von Balthasar Society -- Renaissance/Modern Theology -- Sacramental and Liturgical Theology -- Spirituality -- Theological Anthropology -- Theology and the Natural Sciences -- Trinitarian Theology -- Women's Seminar in Constructive Theology -- Criteria for Catholic Theology -- Communication Theology -- Missology and Mission Theology -- Theology in a Seminary Context -- Practical Theology -- Preaching at Convention Liturgy -- jak.
Keyword(s): Catholic Church.. Theology.
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