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December 2024

Public recreation facilities

Abstract: 10008741 The annals of the American academy of political and social science. Vol. xxxv, no. 2. "Book department": p. 233-263. The parks and recreation facilities in the United States, by J. Nolen.--Our national parks and reservations, by W. E. Curtis.--National forests as recration grounds, by T. Cleveland, jr.--Forestry policy of typical states -New York, by A. Cary.--Forestry policy of typical states - Pennsylvania, by J. F. Rothrock.--State forests in Michigan, by F. Roth.--Park system of Essex county, New Jersey, by F. W. Kelsey.--The park system of Hudson county, New Jersey, by W. G. Muirhead.--The Boston metropolitan park system, by W. B. De Las Casas.--City planning and Philadelphia parks, by A. W. Crawford.--The park movement in Madison, Wisconsin, by C. N. Brown.--Recreation developments in Chicago parks, by G. R. Taylor.--Play and social progress, by H. S. Braucher.--Public provision and responsibility for playgrounds, by H. S. Curtis.--The playground as a social center, by Mrs. Amalie H. Jerome.--Educational value of public recreation facilities, by C. M. Robinson. Continued. Our recreation facilities and the immigrant, by V. von Borosini.--The social significance of play, by O. T. Mallery.--The playground for children at home, by Beulah Kennard.--The unused assets of our public recreation facilities, by B. C. Marsh.--Music and refreshments in parks, by P. H. Goepp.--The Appalachian mountain club, by C. E. Fay.--The southern Appalachian park reserve as a national playground, by G. T. Surface.--The Field and forest club of Boston, by G. W. Lee and L. G. Howes.--The Sierra club, by M. R. Parsons.--Recreative centers of Los Angeles, California, by Bessie D. Stoddard.--The Columbia park boys' club, a unique playground, by E. M. Peixotto.--The "Heide park" of the Society for the advancement of the common weal in Dresden, by W. Böhmert.--Book department.--Annual report for 1909 of the American academy of political and social science. Recreation facilities. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science v. 35, no. 2.

Keyword(s): Parks. Playgrounds

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