Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
May 2024

Music Therapy with a Musician Living with A.I.D.S.

Abstract: The initial concept of this paper was to present work within the Music Therapy setting, seen from both the perspectives of client and therapist. Francis died on the l7th January, and so we are unable to present our planned joint submission. In consultation with Francis before his death it was his wish that I share with you some of the verbal assessments that were carried out as part of my ongoing research project, and which will hopefully give you a flavour of the avenues we explored. During these readings I will play extracts from various improvisations, covering the l8 months of our therapeutic journey together. The text has been sub-divided into the following headings to give continuity to the presentation.(a) Basic Philosophy (b) Relating to Specific Improvisations (c) Lack of Secuirty (d) Musical Paradigms (e) the therapeutic relationship. This paper can be purchased from the BSMT, Price ú5.00, together with others presented on the same day.

Note: -

Keyword(s): A.I.D.S., reseach, improvisation.

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