Heilpflanzen-Welt - Die Welt der Heilpflanzen!
Heilpflanzen-Welt - Natürlich natürlich!
May 2024

Musiktherapie und Kinderheilkunde : eine Analyse zur Geschichte, Situation, Indikation und Akzeptanz

Journal/Book: Heidelberger Schriften zur Musiktherapie. Bd. 5. 1991; Stuttgart ; New York. G. Fischer. viii, 198.

Abstract: A comprehensive evaluation of professional literature dealing with children and music therapy, identifying the usual reasons for its use in treating young patients. A survey of pediatricians is discussed, which has implications for the health system generally and for the training of music therapists. (author)

Note: von Stefan Evers. Includes bibliographicals references.

Keyword(s): Music therapy.. Handicapped children Care.. Handicapped children Care History.. sociology; germany; . health system; relation to therapy for children; . therapy; children; teacher training; . pedagogy; internat. teacher training;. therapy for children

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